diff --git a/colors/solarized.lua b/colors/solarized.lua deleted file mode 100644 index dee11fc..0000000 --- a/colors/solarized.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -require('solarized.config').load() diff --git a/colors/solarized.vim b/colors/solarized.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee6d2c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/colors/solarized.vim @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +hi clear +if exists("syntax_on") + syntax reset +endif + +let g:colors_name = "solarized" +let g:solarized_termcolors = 16 + +" colors {{{ +let g:base02 = "0" +let g:red = "1" +let g:green = "2" +let g:yellow = "3" +let g:blue = "4" +let g:magenta = "5" +let g:cyan = "6" +let g:base2 = "7" + +let g:base03 = "8" +let g:orange = "9" +let g:base01 = "10" +let g:base00 = "11" +let g:base0 = "12" +let g:violet = "13" +let g:base1 = "14" +let g:base3 = "15" + +" }}} +" reference highlighting {{{ +exe "hi! base01 cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base01." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! base02 cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base02." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! base03 cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base03." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! base0 cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base0." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! base1 cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base1." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! base2 cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base2." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! base3 cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base3." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! blue cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! green cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:green." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! violet cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:violet." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! magenta cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:magenta." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! green cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:green." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! orange cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:orange." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! yellow cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:yellow." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! red cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! cyan cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:cyan." ctermbg=NONE" + +exe "hi! base01u cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base01." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! base02u cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base02." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! base03u cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base03." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! base0u cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base0." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! base1u cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base1." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! base2u cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base2." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! base3u cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base3." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! blueu cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! greenu cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:green." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! violetu cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:violet." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! magentau cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:magenta." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! greenu cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:green." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! orangeu cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:orange." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! yellowu cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:yellow." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! redu cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! cyanu cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:cyan." ctermbg=NONE" + +exe "hi! base01bg cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base03." ctermbg=".g:base01 +exe "hi! base02bg cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base03." ctermbg=".g:base02 +exe "hi! base03bg cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base03." ctermbg=".g:base03 +exe "hi! base0bg cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base03." ctermbg=".g:base0 +exe "hi! base1bg cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base03." ctermbg=".g:base1 +exe "hi! base2bg cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base03." ctermbg=".g:base2 +exe "hi! base3bg cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base03." ctermbg=".g:base3 +exe "hi! bluebg cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base03." ctermbg=".g:blue +exe "hi! greenbg cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base03." ctermbg=".g:green +exe "hi! violetbg cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base03." ctermbg=".g:violet +exe "hi! magentabg cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base03." ctermbg=".g:magenta +exe "hi! greenbg cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base03." ctermbg=".g:green +exe "hi! orangebg cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base03." ctermbg=".g:orange +exe "hi! yellowbg cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base03." ctermbg=".g:yellow +exe "hi! redbg cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base03." ctermbg=".g:red +exe "hi! cyanbg cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base03." ctermbg=".g:cyan + +" }}} +" highlighting {{{ +exe "hi IndentGuidesOdd cterm=NONE ctermbg=".g:base03." " +exe "hi IndentGuidesEven cterm=NONE ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! Normal cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base0." ctermbg=".g:base03." " +exe "hi! ColorColumn cterm=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! Comment cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base01." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! ConId cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:yellow." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! Conceal cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base3." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! Constant cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:cyan." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! Cursor cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base03." ctermbg=".g:base0." " +exe "hi! CursorColumn cterm=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! CursorLine cterm=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! CursorLineNr cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base01." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! DiffAdd cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:green." ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! DiffChange cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:yellow." ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! DiffDelete cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! DiffText cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! Directory cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! Error cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! ErrorMsg cterm=reverse ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! FoldColumn cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:base1." ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! Folded cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base2." ctermbg=NONE" +exe "hi! Identifier cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! Ignore cterm=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! IncSearch cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=".g:orange." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! LineNr cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base01." ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! MatchParen cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:base2." ctermbg=".g:magenta." " +exe "hi! ModeMsg cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! MoreMsg cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! NonText cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:base00." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! Pmenu cterm=reverse ctermfg=".g:base0." ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! PmenuSbar cterm=reverse ctermfg=".g:base2." ctermbg=".g:base0." " +exe "hi! PmenuSel cterm=reverse ctermfg=".g:base01." ctermbg=".g:base2." " +exe "hi! PmenuThumb cterm=reverse ctermfg=".g:base0." ctermbg=".g:base03." " +exe "hi! PreProc cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:orange." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! Question cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:cyan." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! QuickFixLine cterm=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! Search cterm=reverse ctermfg=".g:yellow." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! SignColumn cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base0." ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! Special cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! SpecialKey cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:base00." ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! SpellBad cterm=underline ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! SpellCap cterm=underline ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! SpellLocal cterm=underline ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! SpellRare cterm=underline ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! Statement cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:green." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! StatusLine cterm=reverse ctermfg=".g:base1." ctermbg=".g:base03." " +exe "hi! StatusLineNC cterm=reverse ctermfg=".g:base00." ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! TabLine cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base0." ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! TabLineFill cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:base0." ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! TabLineSel cterm=underline,reverse ctermfg=".g:base01." ctermbg=".g:base2." " +exe "hi! Title cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:orange." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! Todo cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:magenta." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! Type cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:yellow." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! Underlined cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! VarId cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! VertSplit cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base00." ctermbg=".g:base00." " +exe "hi! Visual cterm=reverse ctermfg=".g:base01." ctermbg=".g:base03." " +exe "hi! VisualNOS cterm=reverse ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! WarningMsg cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! WildMenu cterm=reverse ctermfg=".g:base2." ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! cPreCondit cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:orange." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! gitcommitBranch cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:magenta." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! gitcommitComment cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base01." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! gitcommitDiscardedFile cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! gitcommitDiscardedType cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! gitcommitFile cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:base0." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! gitcommitHeader cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base01." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! gitcommitOnBranch cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:base01." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! gitcommitSelectedFile cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:green." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! gitcommitSelectedType cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:green." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! gitcommitUnmerged cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:green." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! gitcommitUnmergedFile cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:yellow." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! gitcommitUntrackedFile cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:cyan." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! helpExample cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base1." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! 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hsVarSym cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:cyan." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! hs_DeclareFunction cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:orange." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! hs_OpFunctionName cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:yellow." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! hs_hlFunctionName cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! htmlArg cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base00." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! htmlEndTag cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base01." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! htmlSpecialTagName cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! htmlTag cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base01." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! htmlTagN cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:base1." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! htmlTagName cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! javaScript cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:yellow." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocBlockQuote cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader1 cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader2 cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:cyan." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:yellow." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader4 cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader5 cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base0." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader6 cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base01." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocCitation cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:magenta." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocCitationDelim cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:magenta." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocCitationID cterm=underline ctermfg=".g:magenta." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocCitationRef cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:magenta." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocComment cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base01." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocDefinitionBlock cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocDefinitionIndctr cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocDefinitionTerm cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocEmphasis cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base0." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocEmphasisDefinition cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! 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pandocMetadataKey cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocNonBreakingSpace cterm=reverse ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocRule cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocRuleLine cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocStrikeout cterm=reverse ctermfg=".g:base01." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocStrikeoutDefinition cterm=reverse ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocStrikeoutHeading cterm=reverse ctermfg=".g:orange." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocStrikeoutTable cterm=reverse ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasis cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:base0." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisDefinition cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasis cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:base0." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasisDefinition cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasisHeading cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:orange." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasisTable cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisHeading cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:orange." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisNested cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:base0." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisNestedDefinition cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisNestedHeading cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:orange." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisNestedTable cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisTable cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocStyleDelim cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base01." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocSubscript cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocSubscriptDefinition cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocSubscriptHeading cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:orange." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocSubscriptTable cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocSuperscript cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocSuperscriptDefinition cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocSuperscriptHeading cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:orange." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocSuperscriptTable cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocTable cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocTableStructure cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocTableZebraDark cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=".g:base02." " +exe "hi! pandocTableZebraLight cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=".g:base03." " +exe "hi! pandocTitleBlock cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocTitleBlockTitle cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocTitleComment cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocVerbatimBlock cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:yellow." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocVerbatimInline cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:yellow." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocVerbatimInlineDefinition cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocVerbatimInlineHeading cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:orange." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! pandocVerbatimInlineTable cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! perlHereDoc cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base1." ctermbg=".g:base03." " +exe "hi! perlStatementFileDesc cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:cyan." ctermbg=".g:base03." " +exe "hi! perlVarPlain cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:yellow." ctermbg=".g:base03." " +exe "hi! rubyDefine cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:base1." ctermbg=".g:base03." " +exe "hi! texMathMatcher cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:yellow." ctermbg=".g:base03." " +exe "hi! texMathZoneX cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:yellow." ctermbg=".g:base03." " +exe "hi! texRefLabel cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:yellow." ctermbg=".g:base03." " +exe "hi! texStatement cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:cyan." ctermbg=".g:base03." " +exe "hi! vimCmdSep cterm=bold ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! vimCommand cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:yellow." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! vimCommentString cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:red." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! vimGroup cterm=bold,underline ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! vimHiGroup cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! vimHiLink cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:blue." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! vimIsCommand cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:base00." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! vimSynMtchOpt cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:yellow." ctermbg=NONE " +exe "hi! vimSynType cterm=NONE ctermfg=".g:cyan." ctermbg=NONE " + +" }}} +" link {{{ +hi! link diffAdded Statement +hi! link diffLine Identifier +hi! link gitcommitDiscarded gitcommitComment +hi! link gitcommitDiscardedArrow gitcommitDiscardedFile +hi! link gitcommitNoBranch gitcommitBranch +hi! link gitcommitSelected gitcommitComment +hi! link gitcommitSelectedArrow gitcommitSelectedFile +hi! link gitcommitUnmergedArrow gitcommitUnmergedFile +hi! link gitcommitUntracked gitcommitComment +hi! link helpSpecial Special +hi! link hsDelimTypeExport Delimiter +hi! link hsImportParams Delimiter +hi! link hsModuleStartLabel hsStructure +hi! link hsModuleWhereLabel hsModuleStartLabel +hi! link lCursor Cursor +hi! link pandocCodeBlock pandocVerbatimBlock +hi! link pandocCodeBlockDelim pandocVerbatimBlock +hi! link pandocEscapedCharacter pandocEscapePair +hi! link pandocLineBreak pandocEscapePair +hi! link pandocMetadataTitle pandocMetadata +hi! link pandocTableStructureEnd pandocTableStructure +hi! link pandocTableStructureTop pandocTableStructure +hi! link pandocVerbatimBlockDeep pandocVerbatimBlock +hi! link StatusLineTerm StatusLine +hi! link StatusLineTermNC StatusLineNC +hi! link vimFunc Function +hi! link vimSet Normal +hi! link vimSetEqual Normal +hi! link vimUserFunc Function +hi! link vimVar Identifier + +" }}} diff --git a/lua/barbecue/theme/solarized.lua b/lua/barbecue/theme/solarized.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 8c5211c..0000000 --- a/lua/barbecue/theme/solarized.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -local palette = require('solarized.palette') -local c = palette.get_colors() - -local M = { - normal = {}, - ellipsis = { fg = c.base0 }, - separator = { link = 'Keyword' }, - modified = { fg = c.warning }, - dirname = { link = 'Directory' }, - basename = { fg = c.base0, bold = true }, - context = { fg = c.base0 }, - context_file = { fg = c.base0 }, - context_module = { link = '@namespace' }, - context_namespace = { link = '@namespace' }, - context_package = { link = 'Directory' }, - context_class = { link = 'Type' }, - context_method = { link = 'Function' }, - context_property = { link = '@field' }, - context_field = { link = '@field' }, - context_constructor = { link = '@constructor' }, - context_enum = { link = 'Type' }, - context_interface = { link = 'Type' }, - context_function = { link = 'Function' }, - context_variable = { link = 'Identifier' }, - context_constant = { link = 'Constant' }, - context_string = { link = 'String' }, - context_number = { link = 'Number' }, - context_boolean = { link = 'Boolean' }, - context_array = { link = 'Delimiter' }, - context_object = { link = '@field' }, - context_key = { link = 'Delimiter' }, - context_null = { link = 'Constant' }, - context_enum_member = { link = 'Constant' }, - context_struct = { link = 'Structure' }, - context_event = { fg = c.base2 }, - context_operator = { link = 'Operator' }, - context_type_parameter = { link = 'Type' }, -} - -return M diff --git a/lua/lualine/themes/solarized.lua b/lua/lualine/themes/solarized.lua deleted file mode 100644 index c44a0d7..0000000 --- a/lua/lualine/themes/solarized.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -local solarized_palette = require('solarized.palette') -local colors = solarized_palette.get_colors() - -local M = { - normal = { - a = { fg = colors.base03, bg = colors.blue, gui = 'bold' }, - b = { fg = colors.base02, bg = colors.base1 }, - c = { fg = colors.base1, bg = colors.base02 }, - z = { fg = colors.base03, bg = colors.blue }, - }, - insert = { - a = { fg = colors.base03, bg = colors.green }, - }, - visual = { - a = { fg = colors.base03, bg = colors.magenta }, - }, - replace = { - a = { fg = colors.base03, bg = colors.red }, - }, - command = { - a = { fg = colors.base03, bg = colors.orange }, - }, -} - -return M diff --git a/lua/solarized/autocmd.lua b/lua/solarized/autocmd.lua deleted file mode 100644 index d478a12..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/autocmd.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -local M = {} - -function M.load_autocmd() - local group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('solarized', { clear = true }) - - vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('ColorSchemePre', { - group = group, - callback = function() - vim.api.nvim_del_augroup_by_id(group) - end, - }) - - vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('LspTokenUpdate', { - group = group, - callback = function(args) - local token = args.data.token - local buffer = args.buf - local text = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_text( - buffer, - token.line, - token.start_col, - token.line, - token.end_col, - {} - )[1] - - local highlights = { - 'TODO', - 'WARN', - 'TEST', - 'PERF', - 'NOTE', - 'HACK', - 'FIX', - } - local name = 'SolarizedToken' - - for _, group_name in pairs(highlights) do - if - text ~= nil - and token.type == 'comment' - and text:match(group_name) - then - vim.lsp.semantic_tokens.highlight_token( - token, - buffer, - args.data.client_id, - name .. group_name - ) - end - end - end, - }) -end - -function M.load_autocmd_highlights(c) - local set_hl = require('solarized.utils').set_hl - - set_hl('SolarizedTokenTODO', { fg = c.info }) - set_hl('SolarizedTokenWARN', { fg = c.warning }) - set_hl('SolarizedTokenTEST', { fg = c.violet }) - set_hl('SolarizedTokenPERF', { fg = c.magenta }) - set_hl('SolarizedTokenNOTE', { fg = c.hint }) - set_hl('SolarizedTokenHACK', { fg = c.cyan }) - set_hl('SolarizedTokenFIX', { fg = c.error }) -end - -return M diff --git a/lua/solarized/command.lua b/lua/solarized/command.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 30fefc2..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/command.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -local command = { - zen_mode = false, -} - -local subcommands = { - colors = function(arg) - local palette = require('solarized.palette') - local colors = palette.get_colors() - - local buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(true, true) - local max_length = vim.tbl_count(colors) - - local function color_desc(color) - local colors_desc = { - base03 = 'background tone (main)', - base02 = 'background tone (highlight/menu/LineNr)', - base01 = 'content tone (comment)', - base00 = 'content tone (winseparator)', - base0 = 'content tone (foreground)', - base1 = 'content tone (statusline/tabline)', - base2 = 'background tone (highlight)', - base3 = 'background tone (main)', - } - local desc = colors_desc[color] - - if not desc then return '' end - - return desc - end - - local function set_lines(color, hex, line) - vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(buf, line, (line + 1), false, { - color .. string.rep('.', max_length - #color) .. ' = "' .. tostring( - hex - ) .. '" ' .. color_desc(color), - }) - return line + 1 - end - - local line = 0 - for color, hex in pairs(colors) do - if type(hex) == 'table' then - for c, h in pairs(hex) do - line = set_lines(c, h, line) - end - else - line = set_lines(color, hex, line) - end - end - - vim.api.nvim_set_option_value('modifiable', false, { buf = buf }) - vim.api.nvim_set_option_value('filetype', 'Solarized', { buf = buf }) - vim.api.nvim_buf_set_name(buf, 'Solarized Colors') - vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(0, buf) - end, - zen = function() - local colors = require('solarized.palette').get_colors() - local solarized = require('solarized.highlights') - - if not command.zen_mode then - local highlights = { - Keyword = { fg = colors.base01 }, - ['@keyword.return'] = { fg = colors.base01 }, - Statement = { fg = colors.base01 }, - Delimiter = { fg = colors.base01 }, - ['@constructor'] = { fg = colors.base01 }, - ['@tag'] = { fg = colors.base01 }, - ['Type'] = { fg = colors.base01 }, - ['@type'] = { fg = colors.base01 }, - ['@include'] = { fg = colors.base01 }, - } - - solarized.custom_hl(highlights) - command.zen_mode = true - else - local config = require('solarized.config') - solarized.highlights(colors, config.config or config.default_config()) - command.zen_mode = false - end - end, -} - -function command.list() - return vim.tbl_keys(subcommands) -end - -function command.load(cmd, arg) - subcommands[cmd](arg) -end - -return command diff --git a/lua/solarized/config.lua b/lua/solarized/config.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 1904788..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/config.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -local palette = require('solarized.palette') -local solarized = require('solarized.highlights') -local colorhelper = require('solarized.utils.colors') -local utils = require('solarized.utils') - -local M = {} - -M.config = nil -M.colors = nil - ---- Define and return default config ----@return table default_config -function M.default_config() - return { - transparent = false, - palette = 'solarized', -- selenized - styles = { - comments = {}, - functions = {}, - variables = {}, - numbers = {}, - constants = {}, - parameters = {}, - keywords = {}, - types = {}, - }, - enables = { - bufferline = true, - cmp = true, - diagnostic = true, - dashboard = true, - editor = true, - ref = true, - gitsign = true, - hop = true, - indentblankline = true, - lsp = true, - lspsaga = true, - navic = true, - neogit = true, - neotree = true, - notify = true, - noice = true, - semantic = true, - syntax = true, - telescope = true, - tree = true, - treesitter = true, - todo = true, - whichkey = true, - mini = true, - }, - highlights = {}, - colors = {}, - theme = 'default', - autocmd = true, - } -end - -function M.load() - if vim.g.colors_name then vim.cmd('hi clear') end - - if vim.fn.exists('syntax_on') then vim.cmd('syntax reset') end - - vim.o.termguicolors = true - vim.g.colors_name = 'solarized' - - local colors = {} - - colors = palette.get_colors() - solarized.highlights(M.colors or colors, M.config or M.default_config()) -end - ---- Solarized setup ---- ---- @param opts? table The user-provided configuration to be merged. ---- - transparent (boolean): Specifies if transparency is enabled. ---- - styles (table): A table specifying various style options. ---- - comments (table): Specifies if comments should be styled. ---- - functions (table): Specifies if functions should be styled. ---- - variables (table): Specifies if variables should be styled. ---- - numbers (table): Specifies if numbers should be styled. ---- - constants (table): Specifies if constants should be styled. ---- - parameters (table): Specifies if parameters should be styled. ---- - conditionals (table): Specifies if conditionals should be styled. ---- - highlights (table): A table specifying custom highlight values. ---- - colors (table): A table specifying custom color values. ---- - enables (table): A table specifying plugins to be enabled or disabled ---- - theme (string): Specifies the theme to be used. -function M.setup(opts) - M.config = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', M.default_config(), opts or {}) - local colors = palette.get_colors() - - utils.on_config({ - tbl = function() - M.colors = palette.extend_colors(colors, M.config.colors) - end, - fnc = function() - M.colors = - palette.extend_colors(colors, M.config.colors(colors, colorhelper)) - end, - }, M.config.colors) -end - -return M diff --git a/lua/solarized/highlights.lua b/lua/solarized/highlights.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 1d3859d..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/highlights.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -local utils = require('solarized.utils') -local colorhelper = require('solarized.utils.colors') - -local M = {} - ---- Update or override highlights defined by the user ---- ---- @param highlights table A table containing highlight names as keys and their updated values as values -function M.custom_hl(highlights) - local get_hl = utils.get_hl - - for highlight_name, highlight_value in pairs(highlights) do - local highlight = get_hl(highlight_name) - local val = {} - - if highlight_value.link then - val = highlight_value - else - val = vim.tbl_extend('force', highlight, highlight_value) - end - - vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, highlight_name, val) - end -end - ---- Load and apply highlights based on the enabled highlights specified in the configuration ---- ---- @param colors table A table containing color values ---- @param config table A table containing configuration options, including the enabled highlights and theme -function M.load_plugins(colors, config) - for plugin, enabled in pairs(config.enables) do - if enabled then - local highlight_groups = - require(string.format('solarized.themes.%s.%s', config.theme, plugin)) - - highlight_groups(colors, config) - end - end -end - ---- Set highlights based on the provided colors and configuration ---- ---- @param colors table A table containing color values ---- @param config table A table containing configuration options -function M.highlights(colors, config) - if config.theme == 'neo' or config.theme == 'default' then - M.load_plugins(colors, config) - else - config.theme = 'default' - M.load_plugins(colors, config) - end - - if vim.fn.has('nvim-0.9.4') and config.autocmd then - local extras = require('solarized.autocmd') - extras.load_autocmd() - extras.load_autocmd_highlights(colors) - end - - utils.on_config({ - tbl = function() - M.custom_hl(config.highlights) - end, - fnc = function() - M.custom_hl(config.highlights(colors, colorhelper)) - end, - }, config.highlights) -end - -return M diff --git a/lua/solarized/init.lua b/lua/solarized/init.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 9bc3ac9..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/init.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -local config = require('solarized.config') - -local M = {} - -M.setup = config.setup - -return M diff --git a/lua/solarized/palette.lua b/lua/solarized/palette.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 19a007b..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/palette.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,160 +0,0 @@ -local M = {} - ---- Get the solarized colors based on the current Vim background setting ---- ---- @return table colors A table containing the solarized colors -function M.get_colors() - local config = require('solarized.config') - local colors = { - solarized = { - dark = { - base03 = '#002b36', -- background tone dark (main) - base02 = '#073642', -- background tone (highlight/menu/LineNr) - base01 = '#586e75', -- content tone (comment) - base00 = '#657b83', -- content tone (winseparator) - base0 = '#839496', -- content tone (foreground) - base1 = '#93a1a1', -- content tone (statusline/tabline) - base2 = '#eee8d5', -- background tone light (highlight) - base3 = '#fdf6e3', -- background tone lighter (main) - -- accent - yellow = '#b58900', - orange = '#cb4b16', - red = '#dc322f', - magenta = '#d33682', - violet = '#6c71c4', - blue = '#268bd2', - cyan = '#2aa198', - green = '#859900', - -- git - add = '#859900', - change = '#b58900', - delete = '#dc322f', - -- diagnostic - info = '#268bd2', - hint = '#859900', - warning = '#b58900', - error = '#dc322f', - }, - light = { - base3 = '#002b36', -- background tone darker (main) - base2 = '#073642', -- background tone dark (highlight) - base1 = '#586e75', -- content tone (statusline/tabline) - base0 = '#657b83', -- content tone (foreground) - base00 = '#839496', -- content tone (winseparator) - base01 = '#93a1a1', -- content tone (comment) - base02 = '#eee8d5', -- background tone (highlight/menu/LineNr) - base03 = '#fdf6e3', -- background tone lighter (main) - -- accent - yellow = '#b58900', - orange = '#cb4b16', - red = '#dc322f', - magenta = '#d33682', - violet = '#6c71c4', - blue = '#268bd2', - cyan = '#2aa198', - green = '#859900', - -- git - add = '#859900', - change = '#b58900', - delete = '#dc322f', - -- diagnostic - info = '#268bd2', - hint = '#859900', - warning = '#b58900', - error = '#dc322f', - }, - }, - selenized = { - dark = { - base03 = '#103c48', -- background tone dark (main) - base02 = '#184956', -- background tone (highlight/menu/LineNr) - base01 = '#72898f', -- content tone (comment) - base00 = '#72898f', -- content tone (winseparator) - base0 = '#adbcbc', -- content tone (foreground) - base1 = '#cad8d9', -- content tone (statusline/tabline) - base2 = '#ece3cc', -- background tone light (highlight) - base3 = '#fbf3db', -- background tone lighter (main) - -- accent - yellow = '#dbb32d', - orange = '#ed8649', - red = '#fa5750', - magenta = '#f275be', - violet = '#af88eb', - blue = '#4695f7', - cyan = '#41c7b9', - green = '#75b938', - -- git - add = '#75b938', - change = '#dbb32d', - delete = '#fa5750', - -- diagnostic - info = '#4695f7', - hint = '#75b938', - warning = '#dbb32d', - error = '#fa5750', - }, - light = { - base3 = '#103c48', -- background tone darker (main) - base2 = '#2d5b69', -- background tone dark (highlight) - base1 = '#3a4d53', -- content tone (statusline/tabline) - base0 = '#53676d', -- content tone (foreground) - base00 = '#909995', -- content tone (winseparator) - base01 = '#909995', -- content tone (comment) - base02 = '#ece3cc', -- background tone (highlight/menu/LineNr) - base03 = '#fbf3db', -- background tone lighter (main) - -- accent - yellow = '#ad8900', - orange = '#c25d1e', - red = '#d2212d', - magenta = '#ca4898', - violet = '#8762c6', - blue = '#0072d4', - cyan = '#009c8f', - green = '#489100', - -- git - add = '#489100', - change = '#ad8900', - delete = '#d2212d', - -- diagnostic - info = '#0072d4', - hint = '#489100', - warning = '#ad8900', - error = '#d2212d', - }, - }, - } - - return colors[((config.config or {}).palette or 'solarized')][vim.o.background] -end - ---- Filter colors by selecting valid hexadecimal color values. ---- ---- @param colors table A table containing color values to be filtered. ---- @return table Filtered colors table, containing only valid hexadecimal color values. -local function filter_colors(colors) - local filtered_colors = {} - - for color_name, color_value in pairs(colors) do - if string.match(color_value, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x$') then - filtered_colors[color_name] = color_value - elseif string.match(color_value, '#%x%x%x$') then - color_value = string.sub(color_value, 2, #color_value) - filtered_colors[color_name] = '#' .. string.rep(color_value, 2) - end - end - - return filtered_colors -end - ---- Merge custom colors with solarized default colors ---- ---- @param colors table A table containing new color values to be added. ---- @param custom_colors table -function M.extend_colors(colors, custom_colors) - local c = vim.deepcopy(colors) - custom_colors = filter_colors(custom_colors) - - return vim.tbl_extend('force', c, custom_colors) -end - -return M diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/bufferline.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/bufferline.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 085d98d..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/bufferline.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - -- When `termguicolors` is enabled, this plugin is designed to work automatically, - -- deriving colours from the user's theme. - -- - -- My attempt to fix bufferline on transparent background - if config.transparent then - set_hl('BufferLineFill', { bg = c.base02 }) - set_hl('BufferLineBufferSelected', { fg = c.base2, italic = true }) - set_hl('BufferLineSeparator', { fg = c.base02 }) - set_hl('BufferLineSeparatorSelected', { fg = c.base02 }) - set_hl('BufferLineSeparatorVisible', { fg = c.base02 }) - end -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/cmp.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/cmp.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 4279601..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/cmp.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - -- set_hl('CmpItemAbbr') -- Highlight group for unmatched characters of each completion field. - set_hl('CmpItemAbbrDeprecated', { fg = c.base1, strikethrough = true }) -- Highlight group for unmatched characters of each deprecated completion field. - set_hl('CmpItemAbbrMatch', { fg = c.yellow }) -- Highlight group for matched characters of each completion field. - set_hl('CmpItemAbbrMatchFuzzy', { fg = c.yellow }) -- Highlight group for fuzzy-matched characters of each completion field. - -- set_hl('CmpItemKind') -- Highlight group for the kind of the field. - -- set_hl('CmpItemMenu') -- The menu field's highlight group. - - set_hl('CmpItemKindReference', { link = 'Underlined' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindUnit', { link = 'Number' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindEnum', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindField', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindClass', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindFile', { fg = c.base0 }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindProperty', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindMethod', { link = 'Function' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindKeyword', { link = 'Keyword' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindFolder', { link = 'Directory' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindSnippet', { link = 'Keyword' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindVariable', { link = 'Identifier' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindStruct', { link = 'Structure' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindInterface', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindTypeParameter', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindEnumMember', { link = 'Constant' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindEvent', { fg = c.base2 }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindConstructor', { link = '@constructor' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindConstant', { link = 'Constant' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindModule', { link = '@namespace' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindValue', { fg = c.base2 }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindColor', { fg = c.magenta }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindFunction', { link = 'Function' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindText', { link = 'String' }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/dashboard.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/dashboard.lua deleted file mode 100644 index ff802c0..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/dashboard.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - -- general - set_hl('DashboardHeader', { fg = c.base00 }) - set_hl('DashboardFooter', { fg = c.base00 }) - - -- Hyper - set_hl('DashboardProjectTitle', { fg = c.blue }) - set_hl('DashboardProjectTitleIcon', { link = 'DashboardProjectTitle' }) - set_hl('DashboardProjectIcon', { link = 'Directory' }) - set_hl('DashboardMruTitle', { link = 'DashboardProjectTitle' }) - set_hl('DashboardMruIcon', { link = 'DashboardMruTitle' }) - set_hl('DashboardFiles', { fg = c.base0 }) - set_hl('DashboardShotCutIcon', { fg = c.magenta }) - - -- Doom theme - set_hl('DashboardDesc', { fg = c.base0 }) - set_hl('DashboardKey', { fg = c.magenta }) - set_hl('DashboardIcon', { link = 'Directory' }) - set_hl('DashboardShotCut', { fg = c.base00 }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/diagnostic.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/diagnostic.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 8edbf6e..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/diagnostic.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('DiagnosticError', { fg = c.error }) -- Used as the base highlight group.(except Underline) - set_hl('DiagnosticWarn', { fg = c.warning }) --Used as the base highlight group.(except Underline) - set_hl('DiagnosticInfo', { fg = c.info }) -- Used as the base highlight group.(except Underline) - set_hl('DiagnosticHint', { fg = c.hint }) -- Used as the base highlight group.(except Underline) - set_hl('DiagnosticOk', { fg = c.cyan }) -- Used as the base highlight group.(except Underline) - -- set_hl('DiagnosticVirtualTextError') -- Used for "Error" diagnostic virtual text. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn') -- Used for "Warn" diagnostic virtual text. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo') -- Used for "Info" diagnostic virtual text. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticVirtualTextHint') -- Used for "Hint" diagnostic virtual text. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticVirtualTextOk') -- Used for "Ok" diagnostic virtual text. - set_hl('DiagnosticUnderlineError', { fg = c.error, sp = c.error }) --Used to underline "Error" diagnostics. - set_hl('DiagnosticUnderlineWarn', { fg = c.warning, sp = c.warning }) -- Used to underline "Warn" diagnostics. - set_hl('DiagnosticUnderlineInfo', { fg = c.info, sp = c.info }) -- Used to underline "Info" diagnostics. - set_hl('DiagnosticUnderlineHint', { fg = c.hint, sp = c.hint }) -- Used to underline "Hint" diagnostics. - set_hl('DiagnosticUnderlineOk', { fg = c.cyan, sp = c.cyan }) -- Used to underline "Ok" diagnostics. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticFloatingError') -- Used to color "Error" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticFloatingWarn') -- Used to color "Warn" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticFloatingInfo') -- Used to color "Info" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticFloatingHint') -- Used to color "Hint" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticFloatingOk') -- Used to color "Ok" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float. - set_hl( - 'DiagnosticSignError', - { fg = c.error, bg = c.base02 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Used for "Error" signs in sign column. - set_hl( - 'DiagnosticSignWarn', - { fg = c.warning, bg = c.base02 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Used for "Warn" signs in sign column. - set_hl( - 'DiagnosticSignInfo', - { fg = c.info, bg = c.base02 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Used for "Info" signs in sign column. - set_hl( - 'DiagnosticSignHint', - { fg = c.hint, bg = c.base02 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Used for "Hint" signs in sign column. - set_hl( - 'DiagnosticSignOk', - { fg = c.cyan, bg = c.base02 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Used for "Ok" signs in sign column. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticDeprecated') -- Used for deprecated or obsolete code. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticUnnecessary') -- Used for unnecessary or unused code. -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/editor.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/editor.lua deleted file mode 100644 index ee49783..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/editor.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('ColorColumn', { bg = c.base02 }) -- used for columns - set_hl('Conceal', { fg = c.blue }) -- placeholder characters - set_hl('CurSearch', { fg = c.base2, bg = c.base02 }) -- highlight under cursor - set_hl('Cursor', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.base0 }) -- character under cursor - set_hl('lCursor', { link = 'Cursor' }) -- character under the cursor - set_hl('CursorIM', { link = 'Cursor' }) -- like cursor, but IME mode - set_hl('CursorColumn', { link = 'ColorColumn' }) -- screen-column at the cursor - set_hl('CursorLine', { bg = c.base02, sp = c.base1 }) -- screen-line at the cursor - set_hl('Directory', { fg = c.blue }) -- directory names - set_hl('DiffAdd', { fg = c.add, bg = c.base02 }) -- Added line - set_hl('DiffChange', { fg = c.change, bg = c.base02 }) -- Changed line - set_hl('DiffDelete', { fg = c.delete, bg = c.base02 }) -- Deleted line - set_hl('DiffText', { fg = c.blue, bg = c.base02 }) -- Changed Text - set_hl('EndOfBuffer', { fg = c.base03 }) -- Filler lines (~) - set_hl('TermCursor', { link = 'Cursor' }) -- Cursor in a focused terminal - set_hl('TermCursorNC', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.base0 }) -- Cursor in an unfocused terminal - set_hl('ErrorMsg', { fg = c.error, reverse = true }) -- Error messages on the command line - set_hl( - 'WinSeparator', - { fg = c.base00, bg = c.base02 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Separators between window splits - set_hl('Folded',{ fg = c.base3, bg = c.base02, bold = true }) -- Line used for closed folds - set_hl('FoldColumn', { fg = c.base0, bg = c.base02, bold = true }) -- 'foldcolumn' - set_hl( - 'SignColumn', - { fg = c.base0, bg = c.base02 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Column were signs are displayed - set_hl('IncSearch', { fg = c.orange, standout = true }) -- 'incsearch' highlighting, also for the text replaced - set_hl('Substitute', { link = 'IncSearch' }) -- :substitute replacement text highlight - set_hl( - 'LineNr', - { fg = c.base01, bg = c.base02 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Line number for ":number" and ":#" commands - set_hl('LineNrAbove', { link = 'LineNr' }) -- Line number, above the cursor line - set_hl('LineNrBelow', { link = 'LineNr' }) -- Line number, below the cursor - set_hl( - 'CursorLineNr', - { fg = c.base1, bg = c.base02, bold = true }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Like LineNr when 'cursorline' is set - set_hl('CursorLineFold', { link = 'FoldColumn' }) -- Like FoldColumn when 'cursorline' is set - set_hl('CursorLineSign', { link = 'SignColumn' }) -- Like SignColumn when 'cursorline' is set - set_hl('MatchParen', { fg = c.red, bg = c.base01, bold = true }) -- Character under the cursor or just before it - set_hl('ModeMsg', { fg = c.blue }) -- 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT --") - set_hl('MsgArea', { link = 'Normal' }) -- 'Area for messages and cmdline' - set_hl('MsgSeparator', { link = 'Normal' }) -- Separator for scrolled messages msgsep. - set_hl('MoreMsg', { fg = c.blue }) -- more-prompt - set_hl('NonText', { fg = c.base1, bold = true }) -- '@' at the end of the window - set_hl( - 'Normal', - { fg = c.base0, bg = c.base03 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Normal text - set_hl('NormalFloat', { fg = c.base0, bg = c.base02 }) -- Normal text in floating windows - set_hl('FloatBorder', { link = 'WinSeparator', bold = true }) -- Border of floating windows. - set_hl('FloatTitle', { fg = c.orange }) -- Title of float windows. - set_hl('NormalNC', { link = 'Normal' }) -- Normal text in non-current windows. - set_hl( - 'Pmenu', - { fg = c.base0, bg = c.base02 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Popup menu: Normal item - set_hl('PmenuSel', { fg = c.base2, bg = c.base01 }) -- Popup menu: Selected item - set_hl('PmenuKind', { link = 'Pmenu' }) -- Popup menu: Normal item kind - set_hl('PmenuKindSel', { link = 'PmenuSel' }) -- Popup menu: Selected item kind - set_hl('PmenuExtra', { link = 'Pmenu' }) -- Popup menu: Normal item extra text - set_hl('PmenuExtraSel', { link = 'PmenuSel' }) -- Popup menu: Selected item extra text - set_hl('PmenuSbar', { fg = c.base0, bg = c.base2 }) -- Popup menu: Scrollbar - set_hl('PmenuThumb', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.base0 }) -- Popup menu: Thumb of the scrollbar - set_hl('Question', { fg = c.cyan, bold = true }) -- hit-enter prompt and yes/no questions. - set_hl('QuickFixLine', { fg = c.base0, bg = c.base03 }) -- Current quickfix item in the quickfix window - set_hl('Search', { fg = c.yellow, reverse = true }) -- Last search pattern highlighting - set_hl('SpecialKey', { fg = c.red, reverse = true }) -- Unprintable characters: Text displayed differently from what it really is. - set_hl('SpellBad', { sp = c.red, undercurl = true }) -- Word that is not recognized by the spellchecker. - set_hl('SpellCap', { sp = c.violet, undercurl = true }) -- Word that should start with a capital - set_hl('SpellLocal', { sp = c.yellow, undercurl = true }) -- Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is used in another region - set_hl('SpellRare', { sp = c.cyan, undercurl = true }) -- Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is hardly ever used. - set_hl('StatusLine', { fg = c.base02, bg = c.base1 }) -- Status line of current window. - set_hl('StatusLineNC', { fg = c.base02, bg = c.base00 }) -- Status lines of not-current windows. - set_hl( - 'TabLine', - { fg = c.base0, bg = c.base02, sp = c.base0, underline = true } - ) -- Tab pages line, not active tab page label. - set_hl( - 'TabLineFill', - { fg = c.base0, bg = c.base02, sp = c.base0, underline = true } - ) -- Tab pages line, where there are no labels. - set_hl( - 'TabLineSel', - { fg = c.base2, bg = c.base01, sp = c.base0, underline = true } - ) -- Tab pages line, active tab page label. - set_hl('Title', { fg = c.orange, bold = true }) -- Titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etc. - -- set_hl('Visual', { bg = c.base02, standout = true }) -- Visual mode selection. - set_hl('Visual', { bg = c.base1, fg = c.base03 }) -- Visual mode selection. - set_hl('VisualNOS', { link = 'Visual' }) -- Visual mode selection when vim is "Not Owning the Selection". - set_hl('WarningMsg', { fg = c.warning, bold = true }) -- Warning messages. - set_hl('Whitespace', { fg = c.base01 }) -- "nbsp", "space", "tab", "multispace", "lead" and "trail" in 'listchars'. - set_hl('WildMenu', { fg = c.base2, bg = c.base02 }) -- Current match in 'wildmenu' completion. - set_hl('WinBar', { link = 'Pmenu' }) -- Window bar of current window. - set_hl('WinBarNC', { link = 'WinBar' }) -- Window bar of not-current windows. - set_hl('GitGutterAdd', { fg = c.add, bg = c.base02 }) -- Used for the text of 'add' signs - set_hl('GitGutterChange', { fg = c.change, bg = c.base02 }) -- Used for the text of 'change' signs - set_hl('GitGutterDelete', { fg = c.delete, bg = c.base02 }) -- Used for the text of 'delete' signs -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/gitsign.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/gitsign.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 879fc71..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/gitsign.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl( - 'GitSignsAdd', - { fg = c.add, bg = c.base02 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Used for the text of 'add' signs - set_hl( - 'GitSignsChange', - { fg = c.change, bg = c.base02 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Used for the text of 'change' signs - set_hl( - 'GitSignsDelete', - { fg = c.delete, bg = c.base02 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Used for the text of 'delete' signs -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/hop.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/hop.lua deleted file mode 100644 index b99ba00..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/hop.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('HopNextKey', { fg = c.magenta }) - set_hl('HopNextKey1', { fg = c.blue }) - set_hl('HopNextKey2', { fg = '#1b6294' }) - set_hl('HopUnmatched', { fg = c.base01 }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/indentblankline.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/indentblankline.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 814a4af..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/indentblankline.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('IndentBlanklineChar', { fg = c.base01 }) -- Highlight of indent character. Default: Whitespace - set_hl('IndentBlanklineSpaceChar', { link = 'IndentBlanklineChar' }) -- Highlight of space character. Default: Whitespace - set_hl('IndentBlanklineContextChar', { fg = c.base0 }) -- Highlight of indent character when base of current context. Default: Label - set_hl( - 'IndentBlanklineContextSpaceChar', - { link = 'IndentBlanklineContextChar' } - ) -- Highlight of space characters one indent level of the current context. Default: Label - set_hl('IblIndent', { fg = c.base0, nocombine = true }) - set_hl('IblScope', { fg = c.base01, nocombine = true }) - - -- set_hl('IndentBlanklineSpaceCharBlankline', {}) -- Highlight of space character on blank lines. Default: Whitespace - -- set_hl('IndentBlanklineContextStart', {}) -- Highlight of the first line of the current context. Default: Label -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/lsp.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/lsp.lua deleted file mode 100644 index b7de3bb..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/lsp.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local colortool = require('solarized.utils.colors') - local darken = colortool.darken - local lighten = colortool.lighten - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('LspReferenceText', { link = 'Visual' }) -- used for highlighting "text" references - set_hl('LspReferenceRead', { link = 'Visual' }) -- used for highlighting "read" references - set_hl('LspReferenceWrite', { link = 'Visual' }) -- used for highlighting "write" references - - if vim.o.background == 'dark' then - set_hl('LspInlayHint', { fg = darken(c.yellow, 20) }) -- used for highlighting inlay hints - else - set_hl('LspInlayHint', { fg = lighten(c.yellow, 20) }) - end - - -- if you want to me to enable the highlight groups bellow, please send a screenshot for me to see how - -- they look like or how to config for me to test. - - -- set_hl('LspCodelens') -- Used to color the virtual text of the codelens. - -- set_hl('LspCodeLensSeparator') -- Used to color the separator between two or more code lenses. - -- set_hl('LspSignatureActiveParameter') -- Used to highlight the active parameter in the signature help. See -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/lspsaga.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/lspsaga.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 227fb3a..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/lspsaga.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - -- Float window - set_hl('SagaNormal', { link = 'Pmenu' }) - set_hl( - 'TitleString', - { fg = c.orange, bold = true, bg = c.base02 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) - - -- Outline - set_hl('OutlineIndent', { fg = c.green }) - - -- Icons - set_hl('SagaWinbarModule', { link = '@namespace' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarInterface', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarConstructor', { link = '@constructor' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarStruct', { link = 'Structure' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarObject', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarUnit', { link = 'Number' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarFile', { fg = c.base0 }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarSnippet', { link = 'Keyword' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarText', { fg = c.base1 }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarTypeAlias', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarEvent', { fg = c.base2 }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarParameter', { link = '@parameter' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarKey', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarValue', { fg = c.base2 }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarMacro', { link = 'Macro' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarNumber', { link = 'Number' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarConstant', { link = 'Constant' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarFunction', { link = 'Function' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarEnum', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarField', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarProperty', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarMethod', { link = 'Function' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarClass', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarFolder', { link = 'Directory' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarPackage', { link = 'Directory' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarStaticMethod', { link = 'Function' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarTypeParameter', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarEnumMember', { link = 'Constant' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarOperator', { link = 'Operator' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarNull', { link = 'Constant' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarNamespace', { link = '@namespace' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarArray', { link = 'Delimiter' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarBoolean', { link = 'Boolean' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarString', { link = 'String' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarVariable', { link = 'Identifier' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarFilename', { fg = c.base0 }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarFolderName', { fg = c.base0 }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarFileIcon', { link = 'Directory' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarSep', { link = 'Keyword' }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/mini.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/mini.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 6517866..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/mini.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - -- MiniCursor - set_hl('MiniCursorword', { bg = c.base02 }) - - -- MiniStatusLine - set_hl('MiniStatuslineModeNormal', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.blue }) - set_hl('MiniStatuslineModeInsert', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.green }) - set_hl('MiniStatuslineModeVisual', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.magenta }) - set_hl('MiniStatuslineModeReplace', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.red }) - set_hl('MiniStatuslineModeCommand', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.orange }) - set_hl('MinistatusLineFileName', { fg = c.base0, bg = c.base02 }) - set_hl('MiniStatuslineDevinfo', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.base1 }) - set_hl('MiniStatuslineFileinfo', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.base1 }) - set_hl('MiniStatuslineInactive', { fg = c.base01, bg = c.base03 }) - - -- MiniTabLine - set_hl('MiniTablineCurrent', { fg = c.base2, bg = c.base1 }) - set_hl('MiniTablineVisible', { fg = c.base2, bg = c.base03 }) - set_hl('MiniTablineHidden', { fg = c.base01, bg = c.base03 }) - set_hl('MiniTablineModifiedCurrent', { link = 'MiniTabLineCurrent' }) - set_hl('MiniTablineModifiedVisible', { link = 'MiniTablineVisible' }) - set_hl('MiniTablineModifiedHidden', { link = 'MiniTablineHidden' }) - set_hl('MiniTablineFill', { link = 'NormalFloat' }) - set_hl('MiniTablineTabpagesection', { link = 'NormalFloat' }) - - -- MiniStarter - set_hl('MiniStarterCurrent', { link = 'CursorLine' }) - set_hl('MiniStarterHeader', { fg = c.base00 }) - set_hl('MiniStarterFooter', { fg = c.base00 }) - set_hl('MiniStarterItem', { fg = c.base0 }) - set_hl('MiniStarterItemBullet', { fg = c.blue }) - set_hl('MiniStarterItemPrefix', { fg = c.blue }) - set_hl('MiniStarterSection', { link = 'Title' }) - set_hl('MiniStarterQuery', { fg = c.magenta, bg = 'NONE', bold = true }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/navic.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/navic.lua deleted file mode 100644 index d4081cb..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/navic.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('NavicIconsFile', { fg = c.base00 }) - set_hl('NavicIconsModule', { link = '@namespace' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsNamespace', { link = '@namespace' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsPackage', { link = 'Directory' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsClass', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsMethod', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsProperty', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsField', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsConstructor', { link = '@constructor' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsEnum', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsInterface', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsFunction', { link = 'Function' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsVariable', { link = 'Identifier' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsConstant', { link = 'Constant' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsString', { link = 'String' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsNumber', { link = 'Number' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsBoolean', { link = 'Boolean' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsArray', { link = 'Delimiter' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsObject', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsKey', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsNull', { link = 'Constant' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsEnumMember', { link = 'Constant' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsStruct', { link = 'Structure' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsEvent', { fg = c.base2 }) - set_hl('NavicIconsOperator', { link = 'Operator' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsTypeParameter', { link = '@parameter' }) - set_hl('NavicText', { fg = c.base1 }) - set_hl('NavicSeparator', { link = 'Keyword' }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/neogit.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/neogit.lua deleted file mode 100644 index fd368a9..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/neogit.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local blend = require('solarized.utils.colors').blend - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - local alpha = 0.05 - - set_hl('NeogitCursorLine', { link = 'CursorLine' }) - set_hl('NeogitBranch', { fg = c.magenta }) - set_hl('NeogitRemote', { fg = c.violet }) - set_hl( - 'NeogitHunkHeader', - { fg = c.orange, bg = blend(c.orange, c.base03, alpha) } - ) - set_hl('NeogitHunkHeaderHighlight', { link = 'Title' }) - set_hl('NeogitDiffContextHighlight', { fg = c.base00, bg = c.base03 }) - set_hl('NeogitDiffContext', { fg = c.base00, bg = c.base03 }) - set_hl( - 'NeogitDiffDeleteHighlight', - { fg = c.red, bg = blend(c.red, c.base03, alpha) } - ) - set_hl('NeogitDiffDelete', { fg = c.red }) - set_hl( - 'NeogitDiffAddHighlight', - { fg = c.green, bg = blend(c.green, c.base03, alpha) } - ) - set_hl('NeogitDiffAdd', { fg = c.green }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/neotree.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/neotree.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 828fe68..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/neotree.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local darken = require('solarized.utils.colors').darken - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('NeoTreeNormal', { - fg = c.base0, - }, { transparent = config.transparent }) - set_hl('NeoTreeNormalNC', { link = 'NeoTreeNormal' }) - set_hl('NeoTreeEndOfBuffer', { fg = c.base02 }) - set_hl('NeoTreeRootName', { link = 'Directory' }) - set_hl('NeoTreeFileName', { fg = c.base0 }) - set_hl('NeoTreeFileNameOpened', { link = 'Directory' }) - set_hl('NeoTreeFloatBorder', { link = 'WinSeparator' }) - set_hl('NeoTreeFloatTitle', { link = 'Title' }) - set_hl('NeoTreeGitAdded', { fg = c.add, bg = 'NONE' }) - set_hl('NeoTreeGitConflict', { fg = c.change }) - set_hl('NeoTreeGitDeleted', { fg = c.delete }) - set_hl('NeoTreeGitIgnored', { fg = c.base01, italic = true }) - set_hl('NeoTreeGitModified', { fg = c.change }) - set_hl('NeoTreeGitUnstaged', { fg = c.change }) - set_hl('NeoTreeGitUntracked', { fg = c.change }) - set_hl('NeoTreeGitStaged', { fg = c.add }) - set_hl('NeoTreeIndentMarker', { fg = c.base01 }) - set_hl('NeoTreeDotfile', { fg = c.base01 }) - set_hl('NeoTreeFileStats', { fg = c.base01 }) - set_hl('NeoTreeTitleBar', { fg = darken(c.blue, 50), bg = c.blue }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/noice.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/noice.lua deleted file mode 100644 index fc42470..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/noice.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local set_hl = require('solarized.utils').set_hl - - set_hl('NoiceFormatProgressTodo', { fg = c.base01, reverse = true }) - set_hl('NoiceFormatProgressDone', { fg = c.cyan, reverse = true }) - set_hl('NoiceLspProgressSpinner', { fg = c.cyan }) - set_hl('NoiceLspProgressClient', { fg = c.blue }) - set_hl('NoiceLspProgressTitle', { link = 'Title' }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/notify.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/notify.lua deleted file mode 100644 index c5828f7..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/notify.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('NotifyBackground', { bg = c.base03 }) - set_hl('NotifyERRORBorder', { fg = c.error }) - set_hl('NotifyWARNBorder', { fg = c.warn }) - set_hl('NotifyINFOBorder', { fg = c.info }) - set_hl('NotifyDEBUGBorder', { fg = c.magenta }) - set_hl('NotifyTRACEBorder', { fg = c.violet }) - set_hl('NotifyERRORIcon', { link = 'NotifyERRORBorder' }) - set_hl('NotifyWARNIcon', { link = 'NotifyWARNBorder' }) - set_hl('NotifyINFOIcon', { link = 'NotifyINFOBorder' }) - set_hl('NotifyDEBUGIcon', { link = 'NotifyDEBUGBorder' }) - set_hl('NotifyTRACEIcon', { link = 'NotifyTRACEBorder' }) - set_hl('NotifyERRORTitle', { link = 'NotifyERRORBorder' }) - set_hl('NotifyWARNTitle', { link = 'NotifyWARNBorder' }) - set_hl('NotifyINFOTitle', { link = 'NotifyINFOBorder' }) - set_hl('NotifyDEBUGTitle', { link = 'NotifyDEBUGTitle' }) - set_hl('NotifyTRACETitle', { link = 'NotifyTRACEBorder' }) - set_hl('NotifyERRORBody', { link = 'Normal' }) - set_hl('NotifyWARNBody', { link = 'Normal' }) - set_hl('NotifyINFOBody', { link = 'Normal' }) - set_hl('NotifyDEBUGBody', { link = 'Normal' }) - set_hl('NotifyTRACEBody', { link = 'Normal' }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/ref.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/ref.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 349ebb7..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/ref.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,133 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('Refbase03', { fg = c.base03 }) - set_hl('Refbase03u', { fg = c.base03, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbase03i', { fg = c.base03, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refbase03b', { fg = c.base03, bold = true }) - set_hl('Refbase03bi', { fg = c.base03, bold = true, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refbase03bu', { fg = c.base03, bold = true, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbase03biu', { fg = c.base03, bold = true, italic = true, underline = true }) - - set_hl('Refbase02', { fg = c.base02 }) - set_hl('Refbase02u', { fg = c.base02, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbase02i', { fg = c.base02, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refbase02b', { fg = c.base02, bold = true }) - set_hl('Refbase02bi', { fg = c.base02, bold = true, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refbase02bu', { fg = c.base02, bold = true, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbase02biu', { fg = c.base02, bold = true, italic = true, underline = true }) - - set_hl('Refbase01', { fg = c.base01 }) - set_hl('Refbase01u', { fg = c.base01, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbase01i', { fg = c.base01, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refbase01b', { fg = c.base01, bold = true }) - set_hl('Refbase01bi', { fg = c.base01, bold = true, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refbase01bu', { fg = c.base01, bold = true, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbase01biu', { fg = c.base01, bold = true, italic = true, underline = true }) - - set_hl('Refbase00', { fg = c.base00 }) - set_hl('Refbase00u', { fg = c.base00, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbase00i', { fg = c.base00, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refbase00b', { fg = c.base00, bold = true }) - set_hl('Refbase00bi', { fg = c.base00, bold = true, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refbase00bu', { fg = c.base00, bold = true, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbase00biu', { fg = c.base00, bold = true, italic = true, underline = true }) - - set_hl('Refbase0', { fg = c.base0 }) - set_hl('Refbase0u', { fg = c.base0, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbase0i', { fg = c.base0, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refbase0b', { fg = c.base0, bold = true }) - set_hl('Refbase0bi', { fg = c.base0, bold = true, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refbase0bu', { fg = c.base0, bold = true, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbase0biu', { fg = c.base0, bold = true, italic = true, underline = true }) - - set_hl('Refbase1', { fg = c.base1 }) - set_hl('Refbase1u', { fg = c.base1, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbase1i', { fg = c.base1, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refbase1b', { fg = c.base1, bold = true }) - set_hl('Refbase1bi', { fg = c.base1, bold = true, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refbase1bu', { fg = c.base1, bold = true, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbase1biu', { fg = c.base1, bold = true, italic = true, underline = true }) - - set_hl('Refbase2', { fg = c.base2 }) - set_hl('Refbase2u', { fg = c.base2, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbase2i', { fg = c.base2, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refbase2b', { fg = c.base2, bold = true }) - set_hl('Refbase2bi', { fg = c.base2, bold = true, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refbase2bu', { fg = c.base2, bold = true, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbase2biu', { fg = c.base2, bold = true, italic = true, underline = true }) - - set_hl('Refbase3', { fg = c.base3 }) - set_hl('Refbase3u', { fg = c.base3, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbase3i', { fg = c.base3, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refbase3b', { fg = c.base3, bold = true }) - set_hl('Refbase3bi', { fg = c.base3, bold = true, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refbase3bu', { fg = c.base3, bold = true, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbase3biu', { fg = c.base3, bold = true, italic = true, underline = true }) - - set_hl('Refyellow', { fg = c.yellow }) - set_hl('Refyellowu', { fg = c.yellow, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refyellowi', { fg = c.yellow, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refyellowb', { fg = c.yellow, bold = true }) - set_hl('Refyellowbi', { fg = c.yellow, bold = true, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refyellowbu', { fg = c.yellow, bold = true, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refyellowbiu', { fg = c.yellow, bold = true, italic = true, underline = true }) - - set_hl('Reforange', { fg = c.orange }) - set_hl('Reforangeu', { fg = c.orange, underline = true }) - set_hl('Reforangei', { fg = c.orange, italic = true }) - set_hl('Reforangeb', { fg = c.orange, bold = true }) - set_hl('Reforangebi', { fg = c.orange, bold = true, italic = true }) - set_hl('Reforangebu', { fg = c.orange, bold = true, underline = true }) - set_hl('Reforangebiu', { fg = c.orange, bold = true, italic = true, underline = true }) - - set_hl('Refbase3', { fg = c.base3 }) - set_hl('Refbase3u', { fg = c.base3, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbase3i', { fg = c.base3, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refbase3b', { fg = c.base3, bold = true }) - set_hl('Refbase3bi', { fg = c.base3, bold = true, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refbase3bu', { fg = c.base3, bold = true, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbase3biu', { fg = c.base3, bold = true, italic = true, underline = true }) - - set_hl('Refmagenta', { fg = c.magenta }) - set_hl('Refmagentau', { fg = c.magenta, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refmagentai', { fg = c.magenta, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refmagentab', { fg = c.magenta, bold = true }) - set_hl('Refmagentabi', { fg = c.magenta, bold = true, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refmagentabu', { fg = c.magenta, bold = true, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refmagentabiu', { fg = c.magenta, bold = true, italic = true, underline = true }) - - set_hl('Refviolet', { fg = c.violet }) - set_hl('Refvioletu', { fg = c.violet, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refvioleti', { fg = c.violet, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refvioletb', { fg = c.violet, bold = true }) - set_hl('Refvioletbi', { fg = c.violet, bold = true, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refvioletbu', { fg = c.violet, bold = true, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refvioletbiu', { fg = c.violet, bold = true, italic = true, underline = true }) - - set_hl('Refblue', { fg = c.blue }) - set_hl('Refblueu', { fg = c.blue, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbluei', { fg = c.blue, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refblueb', { fg = c.blue, bold = true }) - set_hl('Refbluebi', { fg = c.blue, bold = true, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refbluebu', { fg = c.blue, bold = true, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refbluebiu', { fg = c.blue, bold = true, italic = true, underline = true }) - - set_hl('Refcyan', { fg = c.cyan }) - set_hl('Refcyanu', { fg = c.cyan, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refcyani', { fg = c.cyan, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refcyanb', { fg = c.cyan, bold = true }) - set_hl('Refcyanbi', { fg = c.cyan, bold = true, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refcyanbu', { fg = c.cyan, bold = true, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refcyanbiu', { fg = c.cyan, bold = true, italic = true, underline = true }) - - set_hl('Refgreen', { fg = c.green }) - set_hl('Refgreenu', { fg = c.green, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refgreeni', { fg = c.green, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refgreenb', { fg = c.green, bold = true }) - set_hl('Refgreenbi', { fg = c.green, bold = true, italic = true }) - set_hl('Refgreenbu', { fg = c.green, bold = true, underline = true }) - set_hl('Refgreenbiu', { fg = c.green, bold = true, italic = true, underline = true }) - -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/semantic.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/semantic.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 321d3db..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/semantic.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - -- Default highlight - set_hl('@lsp.type.class', { link = 'Type' }) -- Type - set_hl('@lsp.type.decorator', { link = 'Function' }) -- Function - set_hl('@lsp.type.enum', { link = 'Type' }) -- Type - set_hl('@lsp.type.enumMember', { link = 'Constant' }) -- Constant - set_hl('@lsp.type.function', { link = 'Function' }) -- Function - set_hl('@lsp.type.interface', { link = 'Type' }) -- Type - set_hl('@lsp.type.macro', { link = 'Macro' }) -- Keyword - set_hl('@lsp.type.method', { link = 'Function' }) -- Function - set_hl('@lsp.type.namespace', { link = '@namespace' }) -- Namespace - set_hl( - '@lsp.type.parameter', - { fg = c.base0, italic = true }, - { styles = config.styles.parameters } - ) - set_hl('@lsp.type.property', { link = '@field' }) -- Property - set_hl('@lsp.type.struct', { link = 'Structure' }) -- Structure - set_hl('@lsp.type.type', { link = 'Type' }) -- Type - set_hl('@lsp.type.typeParameter', { link = 'Type' }) -- Type - set_hl('@lsp.type.variable', { link = 'Identifier' }) -- Identifier - - -- Extra highlight - set_hl('@lsp.typemod.variable.readonly', { link = 'Constant' }) -- Constant variables ex: const hello = 'Hello World' - set_hl('@lsp.typemod.variable.global', { link = 'Constant' }) -- Global variables ex: HELLO = 'Hello World' - set_hl('@lsp.typemod.keyword.documentation', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- documentation comments - set_hl('@lsp.typemod.class.documentation', { link = 'Type' }) -- documentation comments - set_hl('@lsp.typemod.property.readonly', { link = 'Constant' }) -- Ex: System."out".println() -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/syntax.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/syntax.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 76af766..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/syntax.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl( - 'Comment', - { fg = c.base01, italic = true }, - { styles = config.styles.comments } - ) -- any comment - set_hl('Constant', { fg = c.cyan }, { styles = config.styles.constants }) -- any constant - set_hl('String', { fg = c.cyan }) -- a string constant: "this is a string" - set_hl('Character', { link = 'String' }) -- a character constant: 'c', '\n' - set_hl('Number', { fg = c.magenta }, { styles = config.styles.numbers }) -- a number constant: 234, 0xff - set_hl('Boolean', { link = 'Constant' }) -- a boolean constant: TRUE, false - set_hl('Float', { link = 'Number' }) -- a floating point constant: 2.3e10 - set_hl('Identifier', { fg = c.blue }, { styles = config.styles.variables }) -- any variable name - set_hl('Function', { fg = c.blue }, { styles = config.styles.functions }) -- function name (also: methods for classes) - set_hl('Statement', { fg = c.green }) -- any statement - set_hl('Conditional', { link = 'Statement' }) -- if, then, else, endif, switch, etc. - set_hl('Repeat', { link = 'Statement' }) -- for, do, while, etc. - set_hl('Label', { link = 'Statement' }) -- case, default, etc. - set_hl('Operator', { link = 'Statement' }) -- "sizeof", "+", "*", etc. - set_hl( - 'Keyword', - { fg = c.base1, bold = true }, - { styles = config.styles.keywords } - ) -- any other keyword - set_hl('Exception', { link = 'Statement' }) -- try, catch, throw - set_hl('PreProc', { fg = c.orange }) -- generic Preprocessor - set_hl('Include', { link = 'PreProc' }) -- preprocessor #include - set_hl('Define', { link = 'PreProc' }) -- preprocessor #define - set_hl('Macro', { link = 'PreProc' }) -- same as Define - set_hl('PreCondit', { link = 'PreProc' }) -- preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc. - set_hl('Type', { fg = c.yellow }, { styles = config.styles.types }) -- int, long, char, etc. - set_hl('StorageClass', { fg = c.yellow }) -- static, register, volatile, etc. - set_hl('Structure', { fg = c.yellow }) -- struct, union, enum, etc. - set_hl('Typedef', { fg = c.yellow }) -- A typedef - set_hl('Special', { fg = c.red }) -- special symbol - set_hl('SpecialChar', { link = 'Special' }) -- special character in a constant - set_hl('Tag', { link = 'Special' }) -- you can use CTRL-] on this - set_hl('Delimiter', { fg = c.base00 }) -- character that needs attention - set_hl('SpecialComment', { link = 'Special' }) -- special things inside a comment - set_hl('Debug', { link = 'Special' }) -- debugging statements - set_hl('Underlined', { fg = c.violet }) --text that stands out, HTML links - set_hl('Ignore') --left blank, hidden |hl-Ignore| - set_hl('Error', { fg = c.error, bold = true }) --any erroneous construct - set_hl('Todo', { fg = c.magenta, bold = true }) --anything that needs extra attention; mostly the keywords TODO FIXME and XXX -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/telescope.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/telescope.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 3a0c407..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/telescope.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('TelescopeSelection', { link = 'Visual' }) - set_hl('TelescopeSelectionCaret', { link = 'TelescopeSelection' }) - set_hl('TelescopeMultiSelection', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('TelescopeMultiIcon', { fg = c.cyan }) - - -- "Normal" in the floating windows created by telescope. - set_hl( - 'TelescopeNormal', - { fg = c.base0, bg = c.base02 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) - set_hl('TelescopePreviewNormal', { link = 'TelescopeNormal' }) - set_hl('TelescopePromptNormal', { link = 'TelescopeNormal' }) - set_hl('TelescopeResultsNormal', { link = 'TelescopeNormal' }) - - -- Border highlight groups. - -- Use TelescopeBorder to override the default. - -- Otherwise set them specifically - set_hl('TelescopeBorder', { link = 'WinSeparator' }) - set_hl('TelescopePromptBorder', { link = 'TelescopeBorder' }) - set_hl('TelescopeResultsBorder', { link = 'TelescopeBorder' }) - set_hl('TelescopePreviewBorder', { link = 'TelescopeBorder' }) - - -- Title highlight groups. - -- Use TelescopeTitle to override the default. - -- Otherwise set them specifically - set_hl('TelescopeTitle', { fg = c.blue, reverse = true }) - set_hl('TelescopePromptTitle', { link = 'TelescopeTitle' }) - set_hl('TelescopeResultsTitle', { link = 'TelescopeTitle' }) - set_hl('TelescopePreviewTitle', { link = 'TelescopeTitle' }) - - set_hl('TelescopePromptCounter', { link = 'NonText' }) - - -- Used for highlighting characters that you match. - set_hl('TelescopeMatching', { fg = c.yellow }) - - -- Used for the prompt prefix - set_hl('TelescopePromptPrefix', { fg = c.magenta }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/todo.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/todo.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 75b0785..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/todo.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local colortool = require('solarized.utils.colors') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - local colorFunc - local percentage = 80 - - if vim.o.background == 'light' then - colorFunc = colortool.lighten - else - colorFunc = colortool.darken - end - - -- TODO: TODO - -- WARN: WARN - -- TEST: TEST - -- PERF: PERF - -- NOTE: NOTE - -- HACK: HACK - - set_hl('TodoFgTODO', { fg = c.info }) - set_hl('TodoFgWARN', { fg = c.warning }) - set_hl('TodoFgTEST', { fg = c.violet }) - set_hl('TodoFgPERF', { fg = c.magenta }) - set_hl('TodoFgNOTE', { fg = c.hint }) - set_hl('TodoFgHACK', { fg = c.cyan }) - set_hl('TodoFgFIX', { fg = c.error }) - - set_hl('TodoSignTODO', { fg = c.info }) - set_hl('TodoSignWARN', { fg = c.warning }) - set_hl('TodoSignTEST', { fg = c.violet }) - set_hl('TodoSignPERF', { fg = c.magenta }) - set_hl('TodoSignNOTE', { fg = c.hint }) - set_hl('TodoSignHACK', { fg = c.cyan }) - set_hl('TodoSignFIX', { fg = c.error }) - - set_hl('TodoBgTODO', { fg = c.info, bg = colorFunc(c.info, percentage) }) - set_hl( - 'TodoBgWARN', - { fg = c.warning, bg = colorFunc(c.warning, percentage) } - ) - set_hl('TodoBgTEST', { fg = c.violet, bg = colorFunc(c.violet, percentage) }) - set_hl( - 'TodoBgPERF', - { fg = c.magenta, bg = colorFunc(c.magenta, percentage) } - ) - set_hl('TodoBgNOTE', { fg = c.hint, bg = colorFunc(c.hint, percentage) }) - set_hl('TodoBgHACK', { fg = c.cyan, bg = colorFunc(c.cyan, percentage) }) - set_hl('TodoBgFIX', { fg = c.error, bg = colorFunc(c.error, percentage) }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/tree.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/tree.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 3db5124..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/tree.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local darken = require('solarized.utils.colors').darken - local base04 = darken(c.base03, 10) - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('NvimTreeSymlink', { link = 'Underlined' }) - set_hl('NvimTreeSymlinkIcon', { link = 'Directory' }) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeSymlinkFolderName') -- (Directory) - set_hl('NvimTreeFolderName', { fg = c.base0 }) -- (Directory) - set_hl('NvimTreeRootFolder', { link = 'Title' }) - set_hl('NvimTreeFolderIcon', { link = 'Directory' }) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeOpenedFolderIcon') -- (NvimTreeFolderIcon) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeClosedFolderIcon') -- (NvimTreeFolderIcon) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeFileIcon') - set_hl('NvimTreeEmptyFolderName', { fg = c.base0 }) -- (Directory) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeOpenedFolderName') -- (Directory) - set_hl('NvimTreeExecFile', { link = 'Function' }) - set_hl('NvimTreeOpenedFile', { fg = c.blue, bold = true }) - set_hl('NvimTreeModifiedFile', { fg = c.change }) - set_hl('NvimTreeSpecialFile', { link = 'Special' }) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeImageFile') - set_hl('NvimTreeIndentMarker', { fg = c.base01 }) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsError') -- (DiagnosticError) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsWarning') -- (DiagnosticWarn) - set_hl('NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsInformation') -- (DiagnosticInfo) - set_hl('NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsHint') -- (DiagnosticHint) - set_hl('NvimTreeGitDirty', { fg = c.change }) - set_hl('NvimTreeGitStaged', { fg = c.add }) - set_hl('NvimTreeGitMerge', { fg = c.change }) - set_hl('NvimTreeGitRenamed', { fg = c.add }) - set_hl('NvimTreeGitNew', { fg = c.add }) - set_hl('NvimTreeGitDeleted', { fg = c.delete }) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeGitIgnored') -- (Comment) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeWindowPicker') - set_hl( - 'NvimTreeNormal', - { fg = c.base0, bg = base04 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) - set_hl('NvimTreeNormalFloat', { link = 'NvimTreeNormal' }) - set_hl('NvimTreeEndOfBuffer', { fg = base04 }) -- (NonText) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeCursorLine') -- (CursorLine) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeCursorLineNr') -- (CursorLineNr) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeLineNr') -- (LineNr) - set_hl( - 'NvimTreeWinSeparator', - { fg = base04, bg = base04 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- (WinSeparator) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeCursorColumn') -- (CursorColumn) - -- - -- There are also links for file highlight with git properties, linked to their - -- Git equivalent: - -- - -- set_hl('NvimTreeFileDirty') -- (NvimTreeGitDirty) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeFileStaged') -- (NvimTreeGitStaged) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeFileMerge') -- (NvimTreeGitMerge) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeFileRenamed') -- (NvimTreeGitRenamed) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeFileNew') -- (NvimTreeGitNew) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeFileDeleted') -- (NvimTreeGitDeleted) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeFileIgnored') -- (NvimTreeGitIgnored) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeLiveFilterPrefix') - -- set_hl('NvimTreeLiveFilterValue') - -- set_hl('NvimTreeBookmark') -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/treesitter.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/treesitter.lua deleted file mode 100644 index c3286f4..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/treesitter.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - --[[ Highlight capture names as of nvim-treesitter commit `6806d7a` ]] - -- - - -- Identifiers - set_hl('@variable', { link = 'Identifier' }) -- various variable names - set_hl('@variable.builtin', { link = 'Identifier' }) -- built-in variable names (e.g. `this`) - set_hl( - '@variable.parameter', - { fg = c.base0, italic = true }, - { styles = config.styles.parameters } - ) -- parameters of a function - set_hl('@variable.member', { fg = c.blue }) -- object and struct fields - set_hl('@constant', { link = 'Constant' }) -- constant identifiers - set_hl('@constant.builtin', { link = 'Constant' }) -- built-in constant values - set_hl('@constant.macro', { link = 'Constant' }) -- constants defined by the preprocessor - set_hl('@module', { fg = c.violet }) -- modules or namespaces - set_hl('@module.builtin', { fg = c.cyan }) -- built-in modules or namespaces - set_hl('@label', { link = 'Label' }) -- GOTO and other labels (e.g. `label:` in C), including heredoc labels - - -- Literals - set_hl('@string', { link = 'String' }) -- string literals - set_hl('@string.documentation', { link = 'Comment' }) -- string documenting code (e.g. Python docstrings) - set_hl('@string.regexp', { fg = c.violet }) -- regular expressions - set_hl('@string.escape', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- escape sequences - set_hl('@string.special', { link = 'SpecialChar' }) -- other special strings (e.g. dates) - set_hl('@string.special.symbol', { fg = c.violet }) -- symbols or atoms - set_hl('@string.special.url', { link = 'Underlined' }) -- URIs (e.g. hyperlinks) - set_hl('@string.special.path', { link = 'Underlined' }) -- filenames - set_hl('@character', { link = 'String' }) -- character literals - set_hl('@character.special', { link = '@string.special' }) -- special characters (e.g. wildcards) - set_hl('@character.printf', { fg = c.violet }) -- special characters (e.g. wildcards) - set_hl('@boolean', { link = 'Boolean' }) -- boolean literals - set_hl('@number', { link = 'Number' }) -- numeric literals - set_hl('@number.float', { link = 'Float' }) -- floating-point number literals - - -- Types - set_hl('@type', { link = 'Type' }) -- type or class definitions and annotations - set_hl('@type.builtin', { link = 'Type' }) -- built-in types - set_hl('@type.definition', { link = 'Type' }) -- identifiers in type definitions (e.g. `typedef ` in C) - set_hl('@type.qualifier', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- type qualifiers (e.g. `const`) - set_hl('@attribute', { link = 'Function' }) -- attribute annotations (e.g. Python decorators) - set_hl('@property', { link = '@variable.member' }) -- the key in key/value pairs - - -- Functions - set_hl('@function', { link = 'Function' }) -- function definitions - set_hl('@function.builtin', { link = 'Function' }) -- built-in functions - set_hl('@function.call', { link = 'Function' }) -- function calls - set_hl('@function.macro', { link = 'Function' }) -- preprocessor macros - set_hl('@function.method', { link = 'Function' }) -- method definitions - set_hl('@function.method.call', { link = 'Function' }) -- method calls - set_hl('@constructor', { link = 'Function' }) -- constructor calls and definitions - set_hl('@operator', { link = 'Operator' }) -- symbolic operators (e.g. `+` / `*`) - - -- Keywords - set_hl('@keyword', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- keywords not fitting into specific categories - set_hl('@keyword.coroutine', { link = 'Statement' }) -- keywords related to coroutines (e.g. `go` in Go, `async/await` in Python) - set_hl('@keyword.function', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- keywords that define a function (e.g. `func` in Go, `def` in Python) - set_hl('@keyword.operator', { link = 'Operator' }) -- operators that are English words (e.g. `and` / `or`) - set_hl('@keyword.import', { link = 'Include' }) -- keywords for including modules (e.g. `import` / `from` in Python) - set_hl('@keyword.storage', { link = 'StorageClass' }) -- modifiers that affect storage in memory or life-time - set_hl('@keyword.repeat', { link = 'Repeat' }) -- keywords related to loops (e.g. `for` / `while`) - set_hl('@keyword.return', { link = 'Statement' }) -- keywords like `return` and `yield` - set_hl('@keyword.debug', { link = 'Debug' }) -- keywords related to debugging - set_hl('@keyword.exception', { link = 'Exception' }) -- keywords related to exceptions (e.g. `throw` / `catch`) - set_hl('@keyword.conditional', { link = 'Conditional' }) -- keywords related to conditionals (e.g. `if` / `else`) - set_hl('@keyword.conditional.ternary', { link = 'Conditional' }) -- ternary operator (e.g. `?` / `:`) - set_hl('@keyword.directive', { link = 'PreProc' }) -- various preprocessor directives & shebangs - set_hl('@keyword.directive.define', { link = 'Define' }) -- preprocessor definition directives - - -- Punctuations - set_hl('@punctuation.delimiter', { link = 'Delimiter' }) -- delimiters (e.g. `;` / `.` / `,`) - set_hl('@punctuation.bracket', { link = 'Delimiter' }) -- brackets (e.g. `()` / `{}` / `[]`) - set_hl('@punctuation.special', { link = 'Delimiter' }) -- special symbols (e.g. `{}` in string interpolation) - - -- Comments - set_hl('@comment', { link = 'Comment' }) -- line and block comments - set_hl('@comment.documentation', { link = 'Comment' }) -- comments documenting code - set_hl('@comment.error', { fg = c.error }) -- error-type comments (e.g. `ERROR`, `FIXME`, `DEPRECATED:`) - set_hl('@comment.warning', { fg = c.warning }) -- warning-type comments (e.g. `WARNING:`, `FIX:`, `HACK:`) - set_hl('@comment.todo', { link = 'Todo' }) -- todo-type comments (e.g. `TODO:`, `WIP:`, `FIXME:`) - set_hl('@comment.note', { fg = c.info }) -- note-type comments (e.g. `NOTE:`, `INFO:`, `XXX`) - - -- Markups - set_hl('@markup.strong', { fg = c.yellow }) -- bold text - set_hl('@markup.italic', { fg = c.yellow, italic = true }) -- italic text - set_hl('@markup.strikethrough', { fg = c.base01, strikethrough = true }) -- struck-through text - set_hl('@markup.underline', { link = 'Underlined' }) -- underlined text (only for literal underline markup!) - set_hl('@markup.heading', { link = 'Title' }) -- headings, titles (including markers) - set_hl('@markup.quote', { fg = c.cyan }) -- block quotes - set_hl('@markup.math', { link = 'Number' }) -- math environments (e.g. `$ ... $` in LaTeX) - set_hl('@markup.environment', { fg = c.base0 }) -- environments (e.g. in LaTeX) - set_hl('@markup.link', { link = 'Underlined' }) -- text references, footnotes, citations, etc. - set_hl('@markup.link.label', { link = 'Constant' }) -- link, reference descriptions - set_hl('@markup.link.url', { link = 'Underlined' }) -- URL-style links - set_hl('@markup.raw', { fg = c.base0 }) -- literal or verbatim text (e.g., inline code) - set_hl('@markup.raw.block', { fg = c.base0 }) -- literal or verbatim text as a stand-alone block (use priority 90 for blocks with injections) - set_hl('@markup.list', { link = 'Delimiter' }) -- list markers - set_hl('@markup.list.checked', { link = 'Delimiter' }) -- checked todo-style list markers - set_hl('@markup.list.unchecked', { link = 'Delimiter' }) -- unchecked todo-style list markers - - -- Diffs - set_hl('@diff.plus', { fg = c.add }) -- added text (for diff files) - set_hl('@diff.minus', { fg = c.delete }) -- deleted text (for diff files) - set_hl('@diff.delta', { fg = c.change }) -- changed text (for diff files) - - -- Tags - set_hl('@tag', { fg = c.blue, bold = true }) -- XML-style tag names (and similar) - set_hl('@tag.attribute', { fg = c.violet }) -- XML-style tag attributes - set_hl('@tag.delimiter', { fg = c.base01 }) -- XML-style tag delimiters -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/default/whichkey.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/default/whichkey.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 41b5014..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/default/whichkey.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('WhichKey', { fg = c.base0 }) -- the key - set_hl('WhichKeyGroup', { fg = c.blue }) -- a group - set_hl('WhichKeySeparator', { fg = c.magenta }) -- the separator between the key and its label - set_hl('WhichKeyDesc', { fg = c.base2 }) -- the label of the key - -- set_hl('WhichKeyFloat') -- Normal in the popup window - -- set_hl('WhichKeyBorder', { link = 'WinSeparator' }) - -- set_hl('WhichKeyValue') -- used by plugins that provide values -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/bufferline.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/bufferline.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 085d98d..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/bufferline.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - -- When `termguicolors` is enabled, this plugin is designed to work automatically, - -- deriving colours from the user's theme. - -- - -- My attempt to fix bufferline on transparent background - if config.transparent then - set_hl('BufferLineFill', { bg = c.base02 }) - set_hl('BufferLineBufferSelected', { fg = c.base2, italic = true }) - set_hl('BufferLineSeparator', { fg = c.base02 }) - set_hl('BufferLineSeparatorSelected', { fg = c.base02 }) - set_hl('BufferLineSeparatorVisible', { fg = c.base02 }) - end -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/cmp.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/cmp.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 39e540f..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/cmp.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - -- set_hl('CmpItemAbbr') -- Highlight group for unmatched characters of each completion field. - set_hl('CmpItemAbbrDeprecated', { fg = c.base1, strikethrough = true }) -- Highlight group for unmatched characters of each deprecated completion field. - set_hl('CmpItemAbbrMatch', { link = 'IncSearch' }) -- Highlight group for matched characters of each completion field. - set_hl('CmpItemAbbrMatchFuzzy', { link = 'IncSearch' }) -- Highlight group for fuzzy-matched characters of each completion field. - -- set_hl('CmpItemKind') -- Highlight group for the kind of the field. - -- set_hl('CmpItemMenu') -- The menu field's highlight group. - - set_hl('CmpItemKindReference', { link = 'Underlined' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindUnit', { link = 'Number' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindEnum', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindField', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindClass', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindFile', { fg = c.base0 }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindProperty', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindMethod', { link = 'Function' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindKeyword', { link = 'Keyword' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindFolder', { link = 'Directory' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindSnippet', { link = 'Keyword' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindVariable', { link = 'Identifier' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindStruct', { link = 'Structure' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindInterface', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindTypeParameter', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindEnumMember', { link = 'Constant' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindEvent', { fg = c.base2 }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindConstructor', { link = '@constructor' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindConstant', { link = 'Constant' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindModule', { link = '@namespace' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindValue', { fg = c.base2 }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindColor', { fg = c.magenta }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindFunction', { link = 'Function' }) - set_hl('CmpItemKindText', { link = 'String' }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/dashboard.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/dashboard.lua deleted file mode 100644 index b1e5b51..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/dashboard.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - -- general - set_hl('DashboardHeader', { fg = c.red }) - set_hl('DashboardFooter', { fg = c.violet }) - - -- Hyper - set_hl('DashboardProjectTitle', { fg = c.blue }) - set_hl('DashboardProjectTitleIcon', { link = 'DashboardProjectTitle' }) - set_hl('DashboardProjectIcon', { link = 'Directory' }) - set_hl('DashboardMruTitle', { link = 'DashboardProjectTitle' }) - set_hl('DashboardMruIcon', { link = 'DashboardMruTitle' }) - set_hl('DashboardFiles', { fg = c.base0 }) - set_hl('DashboardShotCutIcon', { fg = c.magenta }) - - -- Doom theme - set_hl('DashboardDesc', { fg = c.base00 }) - set_hl('DashboardKey', { fg = c.magenta }) - set_hl('DashboardIcon', { link = 'Directory' }) - set_hl('DashboardShotCut', { fg = c.base00 }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/diagnostic.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/diagnostic.lua deleted file mode 100644 index c446368..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/diagnostic.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('DiagnosticError', { fg = c.error }) -- Used as the base highlight group.(except Underline) - set_hl('DiagnosticWarn', { fg = c.warning }) --Used as the base highlight group.(except Underline) - set_hl('DiagnosticInfo', { fg = c.info }) -- Used as the base highlight group.(except Underline) - set_hl('DiagnosticHint', { fg = c.hint }) -- Used as the base highlight group.(except Underline) - set_hl('DiagnosticOk', { fg = c.cyan }) -- Used as the base highlight group.(except Underline) - -- set_hl('DiagnosticVirtualTextError') -- Used for "Error" diagnostic virtual text. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn') -- Used for "Warn" diagnostic virtual text. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo') -- Used for "Info" diagnostic virtual text. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticVirtualTextHint') -- Used for "Hint" diagnostic virtual text. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticVirtualTextOk') -- Used for "Ok" diagnostic virtual text. - set_hl('DiagnosticUnderlineError', { fg = c.error, sp = c.error }) --Used to underline "Error" diagnostics. - set_hl('DiagnosticUnderlineWarn', { fg = c.warning, sp = c.warning }) -- Used to underline "Warn" diagnostics. - set_hl('DiagnosticUnderlineInfo', { fg = c.info, sp = c.info }) -- Used to underline "Info" diagnostics. - set_hl('DiagnosticUnderlineHint', { fg = c.hint, sp = c.hint }) -- Used to underline "Hint" diagnostics. - set_hl('DiagnosticUnderlineOk', { fg = c.cyan, sp = c.cyan }) -- Used to underline "Ok" diagnostics. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticFloatingError') -- Used to color "Error" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticFloatingWarn') -- Used to color "Warn" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticFloatingInfo') -- Used to color "Info" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticFloatingHint') -- Used to color "Hint" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticFloatingOk') -- Used to color "Ok" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticSignError') -- Used for "Error" signs in sign column. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticSignWarn') -- Used for "Warn" signs in sign column. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticSignInfo') -- Used for "Info" signs in sign column. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticSignHint') -- Used for "Hint" signs in sign column. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticSignOk') -- Used for "Ok" signs in sign column. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticDeprecated') -- Used for deprecated or obsolete code. - -- set_hl('DiagnosticUnnecessary') -- Used for unnecessary or unused code. -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/editor.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/editor.lua deleted file mode 100644 index b1284ca..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/editor.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local darken = require('solarized.utils.colors').darken - local base04 = darken(c.base03, 10) - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - if config.transparent then - set_hl('ColorColumn', { bg = c.base02 }) -- used for columns - else - set_hl('ColorColumn', { bg = base04 }) -- used for columns - end - - set_hl('Conceal', { fg = c.blue }) -- placeholder characters - set_hl('CurSearch', { fg = c.base2, bg = c.base02 }) -- highlight under cursor - set_hl('Cursor', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.cyan }) -- character under cursor - set_hl('lCursor', { link = 'Cursor' }) -- character under the cursor - set_hl('CursorIM', { link = 'Cursor' }) -- like cursor, but IME mode - set_hl('CursorColumn', { link = 'ColorColumn' }) -- screen-column at the cursor - set_hl('CursorLine') -- screen-line at the cursor - set_hl('Directory', { fg = c.orange }) -- directory names - set_hl('DiffAdd', { fg = c.add }) -- Added line - set_hl('DiffChange', { fg = c.change }) -- Changed line - set_hl('DiffDelete', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.delete }) -- Deleted line - set_hl('DiffText', { fg = c.blue, reverse = true }) -- Changed Text - set_hl('EndOfBuffer', { fg = c.base03 }) -- Filler lines (~) - set_hl('TermCursor', { link = 'Cursor' }) -- Cursor in a focused terminal - set_hl('TermCursorNC', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.base0 }) -- Cursor in an unfocused terminal - set_hl('ErrorMsg', { fg = c.error }) -- Error messages on the command line - set_hl( - 'WinSeparator', - { fg = c.cyan, bg = base04 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Separators between window splits - set_hl('Folded', { fg = c.base0, bg = c.base02 }) -- Line used for closed folds - set_hl('FoldColumn', { fg = c.base0, bg = base04 }) -- 'foldcolumn' - set_hl( - 'SignColumn', - { fg = c.base0, bg = c.base03 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Column were signs are displayed - set_hl( - 'IncSearch', - { fg = c.base3, bg = base04, bold = true }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- 'incsearch' highlighting, also for the text replaced - set_hl('Substitute', { fg = c.orange, reverse = true }) -- :substitute replacement text highlight - set_hl( - 'LineNr', - { fg = c.base01, bg = c.base03 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Line number for ":number" and ":#" commands - set_hl('LineNrAbove', { link = 'LineNr' }) -- Line number, above the cursor line - set_hl('LineNrBelow', { link = 'LineNr' }) -- Line number, below the cursor - set_hl( - 'CursorLineNr', - { fg = c.base2, bg = c.base03 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Like LineNr when 'cursorline' is set - set_hl('CursorLineFold', { link = 'FoldColumn' }) -- Like FoldColumn when 'cursorline' is set - set_hl('CursorLineSign', { link = 'SignColumn' }) -- Like SignColumn when 'cursorline' is set - set_hl('MatchParen', { fg = c.base2 }) -- Character under the cursor or just before it - set_hl('ModeMsg', { link = 'Normal' }) -- 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT --") - set_hl('MsgArea', { link = 'Normal' }) -- 'Area for messages and cmdline' - set_hl('MsgSeparator', { link = 'Normal' }) -- Separator for scrolled messages msgsep. - set_hl('MoreMsg', { fg = c.cyan }) -- more-prompt - set_hl('NonText', { fg = c.base00 }) -- '@' at the end of the window - set_hl( - 'Normal', - { fg = c.base0, bg = c.base03 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Normal text - set_hl('NormalFloat', { fg = c.base0, bg = base04 }) -- Normal text in floating windows - set_hl('FloatBorder', { link = 'WinSeparator' }) -- Border of floating windows. - set_hl('FloatTitle', { fg = c.orange }) -- Title of float windows. - set_hl('NormalNC', { link = 'Normal' }) -- Normal text in non-current windows. - set_hl( - 'Pmenu', - { fg = c.base0, bg = base04 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- Popup menu: Normal item - set_hl('PmenuSel', { fg = c.base2 }) -- Popup menu: Selected item - set_hl('PmenuKind', { link = 'Pmenu' }) -- Popup menu: Normal item kind - set_hl('PmenuKindSel', { link = 'PmenuSel' }) -- Popup menu: Selected item kind - set_hl('PmenuExtra', { link = 'Pmenu' }) -- Popup menu: Normal item extra text - set_hl('PmenuExtraSel', { link = 'PmenuSel' }) -- Popup menu: Selected item extra text - set_hl('PmenuSbar', { bg = base04 }) -- Popup menu: Scrollbar - set_hl('PmenuThumb', { bg = c.base1 }) -- Popup menu: Thumb of the scrollbar - set_hl('Question', { fg = c.cyan, bg = c.base03 }) -- hit-enter prompt and yes/no questions. - set_hl('QuickFixLine', { fg = c.base0, bg = c.base03 }) -- Current quickfix item in the quickfix window - set_hl('Search', { bg = c.base02 }) -- Last search pattern highlighting - set_hl('SpecialKey', { fg = c.red }) -- Unprintable characters: Text displayed differently from what it really is. - set_hl('SpellBad', { fg = c.error, sp = c.error, underline = true }) -- Word that is not recognized by the spellchecker. - set_hl('SpellCap', { fg = c.hint, sp = c.hint, underline = true }) -- Word that should start with a capital - set_hl('SpellLocal', { fg = c.info, sp = c.info, underline = true }) -- Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is used in another region - set_hl('SpellRare', { fg = c.warning, sp = c.warning, underline = true }) -- Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is hardly ever used. - set_hl('StatusLine', { fg = c.base1, bg = base04 }) -- Status line of current window. - set_hl('StatusLineNC', { fg = c.base00, bg = base04 }) -- Status lines of not-current windows. - set_hl('TabLine', { bg = base04 }) -- Tab pages line, not active tab page label. - set_hl('TabLineFill', { fg = c.base0, bg = base04 }) -- Tab pages line, where there are no labels. - set_hl('TabLineSel', { fg = c.base2, bg = c.base03 }) -- Tab pages line, active tab page label. - set_hl('Title', { fg = c.orange }) -- Titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etc. - set_hl('Visual', { bg = c.base02 }) -- Visual mode selection. - set_hl('VisualNOS', { link = 'Visual' }) -- Visual mode selection when vim is "Not Owning the Selection". - set_hl('WarningMsg', { fg = c.warning }) -- Warning messages. - set_hl('Whitespace', { fg = c.base01 }) -- "nbsp", "space", "tab", "multispace", "lead" and "trail" in 'listchars'. - set_hl('WildMenu', { bg = c.base02 }) -- Current match in 'wildmenu' completion. - set_hl('WinBar', { link = 'Pmenu' }) -- Window bar of current window. - set_hl('WinBarNC', { link = 'WinBar' }) -- Window bar of not-current windows. -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/gitsign.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/gitsign.lua deleted file mode 100644 index d2b79a0..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/gitsign.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('GitSignsAdd', { fg = c.add }) -- Used for the text of 'add' signs - set_hl('GitSignsChange', { fg = c.change }) -- Used for the text of 'change' signs - set_hl('GitSignsDelete', { fg = c.delete }) -- Used for the text of 'delete' signs -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/hop.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/hop.lua deleted file mode 100644 index b99ba00..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/hop.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('HopNextKey', { fg = c.magenta }) - set_hl('HopNextKey1', { fg = c.blue }) - set_hl('HopNextKey2', { fg = '#1b6294' }) - set_hl('HopUnmatched', { fg = c.base01 }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/indentblankline.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/indentblankline.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 4f8c122..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/indentblankline.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local colortool = require('solarized.utils.colors') - local darken = colortool.darken - local lighten = colortool.lighten - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - if vim.o.background == 'dark' then - set_hl('IndentBlanklineChar', { fg = darken(c.green, 20) }) -- Highlight of indent character. Default: Whitespace - set_hl('IndentBlanklineSpaceChar', { link = 'IndentBlanklineChar' }) -- Highlight of space character. Default: Whitespace - set_hl('IndentBlanklineContextChar', { fg = c.green }) -- Highlight of indent character when base of current context. Default: Label - set_hl( - 'IndentBlanklineContextSpaceChar', - { link = 'IndentBlanklineContextChar' } - ) -- Highlight of space characters one indent level of the current context. Default: Label - set_hl('IblIndent', { fg = darken(c.green, 20), nocombine = true }) - set_hl('IblScope', { fg = c.green, nocombine = true }) - else - set_hl('IndentBlanklineChar', { fg = lighten(c.blue, 20) }) -- Highlight of indent character. Default: Whitespace - set_hl('IndentBlanklineSpaceChar', { link = 'IndentBlanklineChar' }) -- Highlight of space character. Default: Whitespace - set_hl('IndentBlanklineContextChar', { fg = c.blue }) -- Highlight of indent character when base of current context. Default: Label - set_hl( - 'IndentBlanklineContextSpaceChar', - { link = 'IndentBlanklineContextChar' } - ) -- Highlight of space characters one indent level of the current context. Default: Label - set_hl('IblIndent', { fg = lighten(c.blue, 20), nocombine = true }) - set_hl('IblScope', { fg = c.blue, nocombine = true }) - end - - -- set_hl('IndentBlanklineSpaceCharBlankline', {}) -- Highlight of space character on blank lines. Default: Whitespace - -- set_hl('IndentBlanklineContextStart', {}) -- Highlight of the first line of the current context. Default: Label -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/lsp.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/lsp.lua deleted file mode 100644 index b7de3bb..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/lsp.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local colortool = require('solarized.utils.colors') - local darken = colortool.darken - local lighten = colortool.lighten - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('LspReferenceText', { link = 'Visual' }) -- used for highlighting "text" references - set_hl('LspReferenceRead', { link = 'Visual' }) -- used for highlighting "read" references - set_hl('LspReferenceWrite', { link = 'Visual' }) -- used for highlighting "write" references - - if vim.o.background == 'dark' then - set_hl('LspInlayHint', { fg = darken(c.yellow, 20) }) -- used for highlighting inlay hints - else - set_hl('LspInlayHint', { fg = lighten(c.yellow, 20) }) - end - - -- if you want to me to enable the highlight groups bellow, please send a screenshot for me to see how - -- they look like or how to config for me to test. - - -- set_hl('LspCodelens') -- Used to color the virtual text of the codelens. - -- set_hl('LspCodeLensSeparator') -- Used to color the separator between two or more code lenses. - -- set_hl('LspSignatureActiveParameter') -- Used to highlight the active parameter in the signature help. See -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/lspsaga.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/lspsaga.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 4becadc..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/lspsaga.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - -- Float window - set_hl('SagaNormal', { link = 'Pmenu' }) - set_hl( - 'TitleString', - { fg = c.orange, bold = true, bg = c.base02 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) - - -- Outline - set_hl('OutlineIndent', { fg = c.green }) - - set_hl('SagaWinbarModule', { link = '@namespace' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarInterface', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarConstructor', { link = '@constructor' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarStruct', { link = 'Structure' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarObject', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarUnit', { link = 'Number' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarFile', { fg = c.base0 }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarSnippet', { link = 'Keyword' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarText', { fg = c.base1 }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarTypeAlias', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarEvent', { fg = c.base2 }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarParameter', { link = '@parameter' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarKey', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarValue', { fg = c.base2 }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarMacro', { link = 'Macro' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarNumber', { link = 'Number' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarConstant', { link = 'Constant' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarFunction', { link = 'Function' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarEnum', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarField', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarProperty', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarMethod', { link = 'Function' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarClass', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarFolder', { link = 'Directory' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarPackage', { link = 'Directory' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarStaticMethod', { link = 'Function' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarTypeParameter', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarEnumMember', { link = 'Constant' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarOperator', { link = 'Operator' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarNull', { link = 'Constant' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarNamespace', { link = '@namespace' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarArray', { link = 'Delimiter' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarBoolean', { link = 'Boolean' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarString', { link = 'String' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarVariable', { link = 'Identifier' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarFilename', { fg = c.base0 }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarFolderName', { fg = c.base0 }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarFileIcon', { link = 'Directory' }) - set_hl('SagaWinbarSep', { link = 'Keyword' }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/mini.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/mini.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 6517866..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/mini.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - -- MiniCursor - set_hl('MiniCursorword', { bg = c.base02 }) - - -- MiniStatusLine - set_hl('MiniStatuslineModeNormal', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.blue }) - set_hl('MiniStatuslineModeInsert', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.green }) - set_hl('MiniStatuslineModeVisual', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.magenta }) - set_hl('MiniStatuslineModeReplace', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.red }) - set_hl('MiniStatuslineModeCommand', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.orange }) - set_hl('MinistatusLineFileName', { fg = c.base0, bg = c.base02 }) - set_hl('MiniStatuslineDevinfo', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.base1 }) - set_hl('MiniStatuslineFileinfo', { fg = c.base03, bg = c.base1 }) - set_hl('MiniStatuslineInactive', { fg = c.base01, bg = c.base03 }) - - -- MiniTabLine - set_hl('MiniTablineCurrent', { fg = c.base2, bg = c.base1 }) - set_hl('MiniTablineVisible', { fg = c.base2, bg = c.base03 }) - set_hl('MiniTablineHidden', { fg = c.base01, bg = c.base03 }) - set_hl('MiniTablineModifiedCurrent', { link = 'MiniTabLineCurrent' }) - set_hl('MiniTablineModifiedVisible', { link = 'MiniTablineVisible' }) - set_hl('MiniTablineModifiedHidden', { link = 'MiniTablineHidden' }) - set_hl('MiniTablineFill', { link = 'NormalFloat' }) - set_hl('MiniTablineTabpagesection', { link = 'NormalFloat' }) - - -- MiniStarter - set_hl('MiniStarterCurrent', { link = 'CursorLine' }) - set_hl('MiniStarterHeader', { fg = c.base00 }) - set_hl('MiniStarterFooter', { fg = c.base00 }) - set_hl('MiniStarterItem', { fg = c.base0 }) - set_hl('MiniStarterItemBullet', { fg = c.blue }) - set_hl('MiniStarterItemPrefix', { fg = c.blue }) - set_hl('MiniStarterSection', { link = 'Title' }) - set_hl('MiniStarterQuery', { fg = c.magenta, bg = 'NONE', bold = true }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/navic.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/navic.lua deleted file mode 100644 index d4081cb..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/navic.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('NavicIconsFile', { fg = c.base00 }) - set_hl('NavicIconsModule', { link = '@namespace' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsNamespace', { link = '@namespace' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsPackage', { link = 'Directory' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsClass', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsMethod', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsProperty', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsField', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsConstructor', { link = '@constructor' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsEnum', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsInterface', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsFunction', { link = 'Function' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsVariable', { link = 'Identifier' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsConstant', { link = 'Constant' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsString', { link = 'String' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsNumber', { link = 'Number' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsBoolean', { link = 'Boolean' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsArray', { link = 'Delimiter' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsObject', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsKey', { link = '@field' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsNull', { link = 'Constant' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsEnumMember', { link = 'Constant' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsStruct', { link = 'Structure' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsEvent', { fg = c.base2 }) - set_hl('NavicIconsOperator', { link = 'Operator' }) - set_hl('NavicIconsTypeParameter', { link = '@parameter' }) - set_hl('NavicText', { fg = c.base1 }) - set_hl('NavicSeparator', { link = 'Keyword' }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/neogit.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/neogit.lua deleted file mode 100644 index fd368a9..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/neogit.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local blend = require('solarized.utils.colors').blend - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - local alpha = 0.05 - - set_hl('NeogitCursorLine', { link = 'CursorLine' }) - set_hl('NeogitBranch', { fg = c.magenta }) - set_hl('NeogitRemote', { fg = c.violet }) - set_hl( - 'NeogitHunkHeader', - { fg = c.orange, bg = blend(c.orange, c.base03, alpha) } - ) - set_hl('NeogitHunkHeaderHighlight', { link = 'Title' }) - set_hl('NeogitDiffContextHighlight', { fg = c.base00, bg = c.base03 }) - set_hl('NeogitDiffContext', { fg = c.base00, bg = c.base03 }) - set_hl( - 'NeogitDiffDeleteHighlight', - { fg = c.red, bg = blend(c.red, c.base03, alpha) } - ) - set_hl('NeogitDiffDelete', { fg = c.red }) - set_hl( - 'NeogitDiffAddHighlight', - { fg = c.green, bg = blend(c.green, c.base03, alpha) } - ) - set_hl('NeogitDiffAdd', { fg = c.green }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/neotree.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/neotree.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 261da66..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/neotree.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local darken = require('solarized.utils.colors').darken - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('NeoTreeNormal', { - fg = c.base0, - }, { transparent = config.transparent }) - set_hl('NeoTreeNormalNC', { link = 'NeoTreeNormal' }) - set_hl('NeoTreeEndOfBuffer', { fg = c.base02 }) - set_hl('NeoTreeRootName', { link = 'Directory' }) - set_hl('NeoTreeFileName', { fg = c.base0 }) - set_hl('NeoTreeFileNameOpened', { link = 'Directory' }) - set_hl('NeoTreeFloatBorder', { link = 'WinSeparator' }) - set_hl('NeoTreeFloatTitle', { link = 'Title' }) - set_hl('NeoTreeGitAdded', { fg = c.add, bg = 'NONE' }) - set_hl('NeoTreeGitConflict', { fg = c.change }) - set_hl('NeoTreeGitDeleted', { fg = c.delete }) - set_hl('NeoTreeGitIgnored', { fg = c.base01, italic = true }) - set_hl('NeoTreeGitModified', { fg = c.change }) - set_hl('NeoTreeGitUnstaged', { fg = c.change }) - set_hl('NeoTreeGitUntracked', { fg = c.change }) - set_hl('NeoTreeGitStaged', { fg = c.add }) - set_hl('NeoTreeIndentMarker', { fg = c.base01 }) - set_hl('NeoTreeDotfile', { fg = c.base01 }) - set_hl('NeoTreeFileStats', { fg = c.base01 }) - set_hl('NeoTreeTitleBar', { fg = darken(c.cyan, 50), bg = c.cyan }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/noice.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/noice.lua deleted file mode 100644 index fc42470..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/noice.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local set_hl = require('solarized.utils').set_hl - - set_hl('NoiceFormatProgressTodo', { fg = c.base01, reverse = true }) - set_hl('NoiceFormatProgressDone', { fg = c.cyan, reverse = true }) - set_hl('NoiceLspProgressSpinner', { fg = c.cyan }) - set_hl('NoiceLspProgressClient', { fg = c.blue }) - set_hl('NoiceLspProgressTitle', { link = 'Title' }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/notify.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/notify.lua deleted file mode 100644 index c5828f7..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/notify.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('NotifyBackground', { bg = c.base03 }) - set_hl('NotifyERRORBorder', { fg = c.error }) - set_hl('NotifyWARNBorder', { fg = c.warn }) - set_hl('NotifyINFOBorder', { fg = c.info }) - set_hl('NotifyDEBUGBorder', { fg = c.magenta }) - set_hl('NotifyTRACEBorder', { fg = c.violet }) - set_hl('NotifyERRORIcon', { link = 'NotifyERRORBorder' }) - set_hl('NotifyWARNIcon', { link = 'NotifyWARNBorder' }) - set_hl('NotifyINFOIcon', { link = 'NotifyINFOBorder' }) - set_hl('NotifyDEBUGIcon', { link = 'NotifyDEBUGBorder' }) - set_hl('NotifyTRACEIcon', { link = 'NotifyTRACEBorder' }) - set_hl('NotifyERRORTitle', { link = 'NotifyERRORBorder' }) - set_hl('NotifyWARNTitle', { link = 'NotifyWARNBorder' }) - set_hl('NotifyINFOTitle', { link = 'NotifyINFOBorder' }) - set_hl('NotifyDEBUGTitle', { link = 'NotifyDEBUGTitle' }) - set_hl('NotifyTRACETitle', { link = 'NotifyTRACEBorder' }) - set_hl('NotifyERRORBody', { link = 'Normal' }) - set_hl('NotifyWARNBody', { link = 'Normal' }) - set_hl('NotifyINFOBody', { link = 'Normal' }) - set_hl('NotifyDEBUGBody', { link = 'Normal' }) - set_hl('NotifyTRACEBody', { link = 'Normal' }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/semantic.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/semantic.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 9af96b2..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/semantic.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - -- Default highlight - set_hl('@lsp.type.class', { link = 'Type' }) -- Type - set_hl('@lsp.type.decorator', { link = 'Function' }) -- Function - set_hl('@lsp.type.enum', { link = 'Type' }) -- Type - set_hl('@lsp.type.enumMember', { link = 'Constant' }) -- Constant - set_hl('@lsp.type.function', { link = 'Function' }) -- Function - set_hl('@lsp.type.interface', { link = 'Type' }) -- Type - set_hl('@lsp.type.macro', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- Keyword - set_hl('@lsp.type.method', { link = 'Function' }) -- Function - set_hl('@lsp.type.namespace', { link = 'Constant' }) -- Constant - set_hl( - '@lsp.type.parameter', - { fg = c.orange, italic = true }, - { styles = config.styles.parameters } - ) - set_hl('@lsp.type.property', { fg = c.blue }) -- Property - set_hl('@lsp.type.struct', { link = 'Structure' }) -- Structure - set_hl('@lsp.type.type', { link = 'Type' }) -- Type - set_hl('@lsp.type.typeParameter', { link = 'Type' }) -- Type - set_hl('@lsp.type.variable', { link = 'Identifier' }) -- Identifier - - -- Extra highlight - set_hl('@lsp.typemod.variable.defaultLibrary', { link = 'Constant' }) -- ex: "vim".api.nvim_set_hl - set_hl('@lsp.typemod.variable.readonly', { link = 'Constant' }) -- Constant variables ex: const hello = 'Hello World' - set_hl('@lsp.typemod.variable.global', { link = 'Constant' }) -- Global variables ex: HELLO = 'Hello World' - set_hl('@lsp.typemod.keyword.documentation', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- documentation comments - set_hl('@lsp.typemod.class.documentation', { link = 'Type' }) -- documentation comments - set_hl('@lsp.typemod.property.readonly', { link = 'Constant' }) -- Ex: System."out".println() -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/syntax.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/syntax.lua deleted file mode 100644 index c43149c..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/syntax.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl( - 'Comment', - { fg = c.base01, italic = true }, - { styles = config.styles.comments } - ) -- any comment - set_hl('Constant', { fg = c.violet }, { styles = config.styles.constants }) -- any constant - set_hl('String', { fg = c.cyan }) -- a string constant: "this is a string" - set_hl('Character', { link = 'String' }) -- a character constant: 'c', '\n' - set_hl('Number', { fg = c.magenta }, { styles = config.styles.numbers }) -- a number constant: 234, 0xff - set_hl('Boolean', { fg = c.violet }) -- a boolean constant: TRUE, false - set_hl('Float', { link = 'Number' }) -- a floating point constant: 2.3e10 - set_hl('Identifier', { fg = c.base0 }, { styles = config.styles.variables }) -- any variable name - set_hl('Function', { fg = c.blue }, { styles = config.styles.functions }) -- function name (also: methods for classes) - set_hl('Statement', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- any statement - set_hl('Conditional', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- if, then, else, endif, switch, etc. - set_hl('Repeat', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- for, do, while, etc. - set_hl('Label', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- case, default, etc. - set_hl('Operator', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- "sizeof", "+", "*", etc. - set_hl('Keyword', { fg = c.green }, { styles = config.styles.keywords }) -- any other keyword - set_hl('Exception', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- try, catch, throw - set_hl('PreProc', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- generic Preprocessor - set_hl('Include', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- preprocessor #include - set_hl('Define', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- preprocessor #define - set_hl('Macro', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- same as Define - set_hl('PreCondit', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc. - set_hl('Type', { fg = c.yellow }, { styles = config.styles.types }) -- int, long, char, etc. - set_hl('StorageClass', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- static, register, volatile, etc. - set_hl('Structure', { fg = c.yellow }) -- struct, union, enum, etc. - set_hl('Typedef', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- A typedef - set_hl('Special', { fg = c.magenta }) -- special symbol - set_hl('SpecialChar', { fg = c.violet }) -- special character in a constant - set_hl('Tag', { link = 'Special' }) -- you can use CTRL-] on this - set_hl('Delimiter', { fg = c.orange }) -- character that needs attention - set_hl('SpecialComment', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- special things inside a comment - set_hl('Debug', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- debugging statements - set_hl('Underlined', { fg = c.violet, underline = true }) --text that stands out, HTML links - set_hl('Ignore') --left blank, hidden |hl-Ignore| - set_hl('Error', { fg = c.error }) --any erroneous construct - set_hl('Todo', { fg = c.violet }) --anything that needs extra attention; mostly the keywords TODO FIXME and XXX -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/telescope.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/telescope.lua deleted file mode 100644 index b961eb9..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/telescope.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local darken = require('solarized.utils.colors').darken - local base04 = darken(c.base03, 10) - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('TelescopeSelection', { link = 'CursorLine' }) - set_hl('TelescopeSelectionCaret', { fg = c.red }) - set_hl('TelescopeMultiSelection', { link = 'Type' }) - set_hl('TelescopeMultiIcon', { fg = c.cyan }) - - -- "Normal" in the floating windows created by telescope. - set_hl( - 'TelescopeNormal', - { fg = c.base0, bg = base04 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) - set_hl('TelescopePreviewNormal', { link = 'TelescopeNormal' }) - set_hl('TelescopePromptNormal', { link = 'TelescopeNormal' }) - set_hl('TelescopeResultsNormal', { link = 'TelescopeNormal' }) - - -- Border highlight groups. - -- Use TelescopeBorder to override the default. - -- Otherwise set them specifically - set_hl('TelescopeBorder', { link = 'WinSeparator' }) - set_hl('TelescopePromptBorder', { link = 'TelescopeBorder' }) - set_hl('TelescopeResultsBorder', { link = 'TelescopeBorder' }) - set_hl('TelescopePreviewBorder', { link = 'TelescopeBorder' }) - - -- Title highlight groups. - -- Use TelescopeTitle to override the default. - -- Otherwise set them specifically - set_hl('TelescopeTitle', { fg = c.blue, reverse = true }) - set_hl('TelescopePromptTitle', { link = 'TelescopeTitle' }) - set_hl('TelescopeResultsTitle', { link = 'TelescopeTitle' }) - set_hl('TelescopePreviewTitle', { link = 'TelescopeTitle' }) - - set_hl('TelescopePromptCounter', { link = 'NonText' }) - - -- Used for highlighting characters that you match. - set_hl('TelescopeMatching', { link = 'IncSearch' }) - - -- Used for the prompt prefix - set_hl('TelescopePromptPrefix', { fg = c.magenta }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/todo.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/todo.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 75b0785..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/todo.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local colortool = require('solarized.utils.colors') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - local colorFunc - local percentage = 80 - - if vim.o.background == 'light' then - colorFunc = colortool.lighten - else - colorFunc = colortool.darken - end - - -- TODO: TODO - -- WARN: WARN - -- TEST: TEST - -- PERF: PERF - -- NOTE: NOTE - -- HACK: HACK - - set_hl('TodoFgTODO', { fg = c.info }) - set_hl('TodoFgWARN', { fg = c.warning }) - set_hl('TodoFgTEST', { fg = c.violet }) - set_hl('TodoFgPERF', { fg = c.magenta }) - set_hl('TodoFgNOTE', { fg = c.hint }) - set_hl('TodoFgHACK', { fg = c.cyan }) - set_hl('TodoFgFIX', { fg = c.error }) - - set_hl('TodoSignTODO', { fg = c.info }) - set_hl('TodoSignWARN', { fg = c.warning }) - set_hl('TodoSignTEST', { fg = c.violet }) - set_hl('TodoSignPERF', { fg = c.magenta }) - set_hl('TodoSignNOTE', { fg = c.hint }) - set_hl('TodoSignHACK', { fg = c.cyan }) - set_hl('TodoSignFIX', { fg = c.error }) - - set_hl('TodoBgTODO', { fg = c.info, bg = colorFunc(c.info, percentage) }) - set_hl( - 'TodoBgWARN', - { fg = c.warning, bg = colorFunc(c.warning, percentage) } - ) - set_hl('TodoBgTEST', { fg = c.violet, bg = colorFunc(c.violet, percentage) }) - set_hl( - 'TodoBgPERF', - { fg = c.magenta, bg = colorFunc(c.magenta, percentage) } - ) - set_hl('TodoBgNOTE', { fg = c.hint, bg = colorFunc(c.hint, percentage) }) - set_hl('TodoBgHACK', { fg = c.cyan, bg = colorFunc(c.cyan, percentage) }) - set_hl('TodoBgFIX', { fg = c.error, bg = colorFunc(c.error, percentage) }) -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/tree.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/tree.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 342356e..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/tree.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local darken = require('solarized.utils.colors').darken - local base04 = darken(c.base03, 10) - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('NvimTreeSymlink', { link = 'Underlined' }) - set_hl('NvimTreeSymlinkIcon', { link = 'Directory' }) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeSymlinkFolderName') -- (Directory) - set_hl('NvimTreeFolderName', { fg = c.base0 }) -- (Directory) - set_hl('NvimTreeRootFolder', { link = 'Title' }) - set_hl('NvimTreeFolderIcon', { link = 'Directory' }) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeOpenedFolderIcon') -- (NvimTreeFolderIcon) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeClosedFolderIcon') -- (NvimTreeFolderIcon) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeFileIcon') - set_hl('NvimTreeEmptyFolderName', { fg = c.base0 }) -- (Directory) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeOpenedFolderName') -- (Directory) - set_hl('NvimTreeExecFile', { link = 'Function' }) - set_hl('NvimTreeOpenedFile', { fg = c.orange, bold = true }) - set_hl('NvimTreeModifiedFile', { fg = c.change }) - set_hl('NvimTreeSpecialFile', { link = 'Special' }) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeImageFile') - set_hl('NvimTreeIndentMarker', { fg = c.base01 }) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsError') -- (DiagnosticError) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsWarning') -- (DiagnosticWarn) - set_hl('NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsInformation') -- (DiagnosticInfo) - set_hl('NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsHint') -- (DiagnosticHint) - set_hl('NvimTreeGitDirty', { fg = c.change }) - set_hl('NvimTreeGitStaged', { fg = c.add }) - set_hl('NvimTreeGitMerge', { fg = c.change }) - set_hl('NvimTreeGitRenamed', { fg = c.add }) - set_hl('NvimTreeGitNew', { fg = c.add }) - set_hl('NvimTreeGitDeleted', { fg = c.delete }) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeGitIgnored') -- (Comment) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeWindowPicker') - set_hl( - 'NvimTreeNormal', - { fg = c.base0, bg = base04 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) - set_hl('NvimTreeNormalFloat', { link = 'NvimTreeNormal' }) - set_hl('NvimTreeEndOfBuffer', { fg = base04 }) -- (NonText) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeCursorLine') -- (CursorLine) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeCursorLineNr') -- (CursorLineNr) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeLineNr') -- (LineNr) - set_hl( - 'NvimTreeWinSeparator', - { fg = base04, bg = base04 }, - { transparent = config.transparent } - ) -- (WinSeparator) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeCursorColumn') -- (CursorColumn) - -- - -- There are also links for file highlight with git properties, linked to their - -- Git equivalent: - -- - -- set_hl('NvimTreeFileDirty') -- (NvimTreeGitDirty) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeFileStaged') -- (NvimTreeGitStaged) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeFileMerge') -- (NvimTreeGitMerge) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeFileRenamed') -- (NvimTreeGitRenamed) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeFileNew') -- (NvimTreeGitNew) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeFileDeleted') -- (NvimTreeGitDeleted) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeFileIgnored') -- (NvimTreeGitIgnored) - -- set_hl('NvimTreeLiveFilterPrefix') - -- set_hl('NvimTreeLiveFilterValue') - -- set_hl('NvimTreeBookmark') -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/treesitter.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/treesitter.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 4cd0d60..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/treesitter.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ -return function(c, config) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - --[[ Highlight capture names as of nvim-treesitter commit `6806d7a` ]] - -- - - -- Identifiers - set_hl('@variable', { link = 'Identifier' }) -- various variable names - set_hl('@variable.builtin', { fg = c.violet, italic = true }) -- built-in variable names (e.g. `this`) - set_hl( - '@variable.parameter', - { fg = c.orange, italic = true }, - { styles = config.styles.parameters } - ) -- parameters of a function - set_hl('@variable.member', { fg = c.blue }) -- object and struct fields - set_hl('@constant', { link = 'Constant' }) -- constant identifiers - set_hl('@constant.builtin', { link = 'Constant' }) -- built-in constant values - set_hl('@constant.macro', { link = 'Constant' }) -- constants defined by the preprocessor - set_hl('@module', { fg = c.violet }) -- modules or namespaces - set_hl('@module.builtin', { fg = c.cyan }) -- built-in modules or namespaces - set_hl('@label', { link = 'Label' }) -- GOTO and other labels (e.g. `label:` in C), including heredoc labels - - -- Literals - set_hl('@string', { link = 'String' }) -- string literals - set_hl('@string.documentation', { link = 'Comment' }) -- string documenting code (e.g. Python docstrings) - set_hl('@string.regexp', { fg = c.violet }) -- regular expressions - set_hl('@string.escape', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- escape sequences - set_hl('@string.special', { link = 'Constant' }) -- other special strings (e.g. dates) - set_hl('@string.special.symbol', { fg = c.violet }) -- symbols or atoms - set_hl('@string.special.url', { link = 'Underlined' }) -- URIs (e.g. hyperlinks) - set_hl('@string.special.path', { link = 'Underlined' }) -- filenames - set_hl('@character', { link = 'String' }) -- character literals - set_hl('@character.special', { link = 'Constant' }) -- special characters (e.g. wildcards) - set_hl('@character.printf', { fg = c.violet }) -- special characters (e.g. wildcards) - set_hl('@boolean', { link = 'Constant' }) -- boolean literals - set_hl('@number', { link = 'Number' }) -- numeric literals - set_hl('@number.float', { link = 'Number' }) -- floating-point number literals - - -- Types - set_hl('@type', { link = 'Type' }) -- type or class definitions and annotations - set_hl('@type.builtin', { link = 'Type' }) -- built-in types - set_hl('@type.definition', { link = 'Type' }) -- identifiers in type definitions (e.g. `typedef ` in C) - set_hl('@type.qualifier', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- type qualifiers (e.g. `const`) - set_hl('@attribute', { link = 'Function' }) -- attribute annotations (e.g. Python decorators) - set_hl('@property', { link = '@variable.member' }) -- the key in key/value pairs - - -- Functions - set_hl('@function', { link = 'Function' }) -- function definitions - set_hl('@function.builtin', { link = 'Function' }) -- built-in functions - set_hl('@function.call', { link = 'Function' }) -- function calls - set_hl('@function.macro', { link = 'Function' }) -- preprocessor macros - set_hl('@function.method', { link = 'Function' }) -- method definitions - set_hl('@function.method.call', { link = 'Function' }) -- method calls - set_hl('@constructor', { fg = c.magenta }) -- constructor calls and definitions - set_hl('@operator', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- symbolic operators (e.g. `+` / `*`) - - -- Keywords - set_hl('@keyword', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- keywords not fitting into specific categories - set_hl('@keyword.coroutine', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- keywords related to coroutines (e.g. `go` in Go, `async/await` in Python) - set_hl('@keyword.function', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- keywords that define a function (e.g. `func` in Go, `def` in Python) - set_hl('@keyword.operator', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- operators that are English words (e.g. `and` / `or`) - set_hl('@keyword.import', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- keywords for including modules (e.g. `import` / `from` in Python) - set_hl('@keyword.storage', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- modifiers that affect storage in memory or life-time - set_hl('@keyword.repeat', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- keywords related to loops (e.g. `for` / `while`) - set_hl('@keyword.return', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- keywords like `return` and `yield` - set_hl('@keyword.debug', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- keywords related to debugging - set_hl('@keyword.exception', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- keywords related to exceptions (e.g. `throw` / `catch`) - set_hl('@keyword.conditional', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- keywords related to conditionals (e.g. `if` / `else`) - set_hl('@keyword.conditional.ternary', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- ternary operator (e.g. `?` / `:`) - set_hl('@keyword.directive', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- various preprocessor directives & shebangs - set_hl('@keyword.directive.define', { link = 'Keyword' }) -- preprocessor definition directives - - -- Punctuations - set_hl('@punctuation.delimiter', { link = 'Delimiter' }) -- delimiters (e.g. `;` / `.` / `,`) - set_hl('@punctuation.bracket', { link = 'Delimiter' }) -- brackets (e.g. `()` / `{}` / `[]`) - set_hl('@punctuation.special', { link = 'Delimiter' }) -- special symbols (e.g. `{}` in string interpolation) - - -- Comments - set_hl('@comment', { link = 'Comment' }) -- line and block comments - set_hl('@comment.documentation', { link = 'Comment' }) -- comments documenting code - set_hl('@comment.error', { fg = c.error }) -- error-type comments (e.g. `ERROR`, `FIXME`, `DEPRECATED:`) - set_hl('@comment.warning', { fg = c.warning }) -- warning-type comments (e.g. `WARNING:`, `FIX:`, `HACK:`) - set_hl('@comment.todo', { link = 'Todo' }) -- todo-type comments (e.g. `TODO:`, `WIP:`, `FIXME:`) - set_hl('@comment.note', { fg = c.info }) -- note-type comments (e.g. `NOTE:`, `INFO:`, `XXX`) - - -- Markup - set_hl('@markup.strong', { fg = c.yellow }) -- bold text - set_hl('@markup.italic', { fg = c.yellow, italic = true }) -- italic text - set_hl('@markup.strikethrough', { fg = c.base01, strikethrough = true }) -- struck-through text - set_hl('@markup.underline', { link = 'Underlined' }) -- underlined text (only for literal underline markup!) - set_hl('@markup.heading', { link = 'Title' }) -- headings, titles (including markers) - set_hl('@markup.quote', { fg = c.cyan }) -- block quotes - set_hl('@markup.math', { link = 'Number' }) -- math environments (e.g. `$ ... $` in LaTeX) - set_hl('@markup.environment', { fg = c.base0 }) -- environments (e.g. in LaTeX) - set_hl('@markup.link', { link = 'Underlined' }) -- text references, footnotes, citations, etc. - set_hl('@markup.link.label', { link = 'Constant' }) -- link, reference descriptions - set_hl('@markup.link.url', { link = 'Underlined' }) -- URL-style links - set_hl('@markup.raw', { fg = c.base0 }) -- literal or verbatim text (e.g., inline code) - set_hl('@markup.raw.block', { fg = c.base0 }) -- literal or verbatim text as a stand-alone block (use priority 90 for blocks with injections) - set_hl('@markup.list', { link = 'Delimiter' }) -- list markers - set_hl('@markup.list.checked', { link = 'Delimiter' }) -- checked todo-style list markers - set_hl('@markup.list.unchecked', { link = 'Delimiter' }) -- unchecked todo-style list markers - - -- Diffs - set_hl('@diff.plus', { fg = c.add }) -- added text (for diff files) - set_hl('@diff.minus', { fg = c.delete }) -- deleted text (for diff files) - set_hl('@diff.delta', { fg = c.change }) -- changed text (for diff files) - - -- Tags - set_hl('@tag', { fg = c.green }) -- XML-style tag names (and similar) - set_hl('@tag.attribute', { link = '@variable.member' }) -- XML-style tag attributes - set_hl('@tag.delimiter', { link = 'Delimiter' }) -- XML-style tag delimiters -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/whichkey.lua b/lua/solarized/themes/neo/whichkey.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 41b5014..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/themes/neo/whichkey.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -return function(c) - local utils = require('solarized.utils') - local set_hl = utils.set_hl - - set_hl('WhichKey', { fg = c.base0 }) -- the key - set_hl('WhichKeyGroup', { fg = c.blue }) -- a group - set_hl('WhichKeySeparator', { fg = c.magenta }) -- the separator between the key and its label - set_hl('WhichKeyDesc', { fg = c.base2 }) -- the label of the key - -- set_hl('WhichKeyFloat') -- Normal in the popup window - -- set_hl('WhichKeyBorder', { link = 'WinSeparator' }) - -- set_hl('WhichKeyValue') -- used by plugins that provide values -end diff --git a/lua/solarized/utils/colors.lua b/lua/solarized/utils/colors.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 9057adb..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/utils/colors.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -local M = {} - ---- Convert a hexadecimal color code to RGB color values ---- ---- @param hex string The hexadecimal color code (e.g., "#RRGGBB" or "RRGGBB") ---- @return number red The red component of the RGB color (0-255) ---- @return number green The green component of the RGB color (0-255) ---- @return number blue The blue component of the RGB color (0-255) -function M.hex_to_rgb(hex) - local red = tonumber(hex:sub(2, 3), 16) - local green = tonumber(hex:sub(4, 5), 16) - local blue = tonumber(hex:sub(6, 7), 16) - - return red, green, blue -end - ---- Convert rgb to hex ---- ---- @param red number ---- @param green number ---- @param blue number ---- @return string color -function M.rgb_to_hex(red, green, blue) - return string.format('#%02x%02x%02x', red, green, blue) -end - ---- Darken a color by a given distance ---- ---- @param color string The color to be darkened in any valid color format ---- @param percentage number The distance by which the color should be darkened (between 1 and 10) ---- @return string color The resulting darkened color in the same format as the input color -function M.darken(color, percentage) - local red, green, blue = M.hex_to_rgb(color) - local i = 1 - local result = { - red = red * (1 - (percentage / 100) * i), - green = green * (1 - (percentage / 100) * i), - blue = blue * (1 - (percentage / 100) * i), - } - - return M.rgb_to_hex(result.red, result.green, result.blue) -end - ---- Lighten a color by a given percentage ---- ---- @param color string The color to be lightened in any valid color format ---- @param percentage number The percentage by which the color should be lightened (between 1 and 10) ---- @return string color The resulting lightened color in the same format as the input color -function M.lighten(color, percentage) - local red, green, blue = M.hex_to_rgb(color) - local i = 1 - local result = { - red = red + (255 - red) * i * (percentage / 100), - green = green + (255 - green) * i * (percentage / 100), - blue = blue + (255 - blue) * i * (percentage / 100), - } - - return M.rgb_to_hex(result.red, result.green, result.blue) -end - ---- Blend two colors with a given alpha value ---- ---- @param hex_fg string The foreground color in hexadecimal format (e.g., "#RRGGBB") ---- @param hex_bg string The background color in hexadecimal format (e.g., "#RRGGBB") ---- @param alpha number The alpha value between 0 and 1, indicating the blending ratio ---- @return string color The resulting blended color in hexadecimal format -function M.blend(hex_fg, hex_bg, alpha) - local red_bg, green_bg, blue_bg = M.hex_to_rgb(hex_bg) - local red_fg, green_fg, blue_fg = M.hex_to_rgb(hex_fg) - - local min = math.min - local max = math.max - local floor = math.floor - - local function blend_channel(fg, bg) - local ret = alpha * fg + ((1 - alpha) * bg) - - return floor(min(max(0, ret), 255) + 0.5) - end - - return M.rgb_to_hex( - blend_channel(red_fg, red_bg), - blend_channel(green_fg, green_bg), - blend_channel(blue_fg, blue_bg) - ) -end - -return M diff --git a/lua/solarized/utils/init.lua b/lua/solarized/utils/init.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 5a50a84..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/utils/init.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -local M = {} - ---- Sets a highlight group ---- @param name string ---- @param val? table ---- @param opts? table The opts object.. ---- - opts.transparent: (boolean) Specifies whether transparency is enabled. ---- - opts.styles: (table) A table of custom styles for various elements. ----@return nil -function M.set_hl(name, val, opts) - local default_val = { fg = 'NONE', bg = 'NONE' } - val = val or {} - - if not val.link then val = vim.tbl_extend('force', default_val, val) end - - if opts then - if opts.styles then val = vim.tbl_extend('force', val, opts.styles) end - - if opts.transparent then val.bg = 'NONE' end - end - - vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, name, val) -end - ---- get highlight group ---- @param highlight_name string ---- @return table highlight -function M.get_hl(highlight_name) - local highlight = - vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0, { name = highlight_name, link = true }) - - if highlight.link then return M.get_hl(highlight.link) end - - return highlight -end - ---- @param opts table The user-specified custom configuration ---- - fnc (function): callback type configuration ---- - tbl (function): table type configuration ---- @param config (table|function): config to be used -function M.on_config(opts, config) - if type(config) == 'table' and not vim.tbl_isempty(config) then - opts.tbl() - elseif type(config) == 'function' then - opts.fnc() - end -end - -return M diff --git a/lua/solarized/utils/test.lua b/lua/solarized/utils/test.lua deleted file mode 100644 index b04513e..0000000 --- a/lua/solarized/utils/test.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -local M = {} - -function M.to_hex(decimal) - return string.format('#%06x', decimal) -end - -return M diff --git a/plugin/solarized.lua b/plugin/solarized.lua deleted file mode 100644 index c671e1b..0000000 --- a/plugin/solarized.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('Solarized', function(args) - require('solarized.command').load( - args.fargs[1], - vim.list_slice(args.fargs, 2) - ) -end, { - range = true, - nargs = '+', - complete = function(arg) - local list = require('solarized.command').list() - - return vim.tbl_filter(function(s) - return string.match(s, '^' .. arg) - end, list) - end, -}) diff --git a/vimrc b/vimrc index 4e69247..bef2fc0 100644 --- a/vimrc +++ b/vimrc @@ -7,13 +7,8 @@ syntax on " theme -lua << EOF -vim.o.background = 'dark' -require('solarized').setup { - theme = 'default'; -} -vim.cmd("colorscheme solarized") -EOF +set background=dark +colorscheme solarized " plugins call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')