return function(c) local utils = require('solarized.utils') local colortool = require('solarized.utils.colors') local darken = colortool.darken local lighten = colortool.lighten local set_hl = utils.set_hl set_hl('LspReferenceText', { link = 'Visual' }) -- used for highlighting "text" references set_hl('LspReferenceRead', { link = 'Visual' }) -- used for highlighting "read" references set_hl('LspReferenceWrite', { link = 'Visual' }) -- used for highlighting "write" references if vim.o.background == 'dark' then set_hl('LspInlayHint', { fg = darken(c.yellow, 20) }) -- used for highlighting inlay hints else set_hl('LspInlayHint', { fg = lighten(c.yellow, 20) }) end -- if you want to me to enable the highlight groups bellow, please send a screenshot for me to see how -- they look like or how to config for me to test. -- set_hl('LspCodelens') -- Used to color the virtual text of the codelens. -- set_hl('LspCodeLensSeparator') -- Used to color the separator between two or more code lenses. -- set_hl('LspSignatureActiveParameter') -- Used to highlight the active parameter in the signature help. See end