You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

26 lines
1.4 KiB

runtime! syntax/sep.vim
syn match Ttrue / \zs1\s*\ze\( \|$\)/
hi def link Ttrue base2bg
" syn match Tfalse / \zs0\s*\ze\( \|$\)/
" hi def link Tfalse redbg
syn match Tcolumn6 /.\{-}\(,\|$\)/ nextgroup=Tcolumn0 contains=Ttrue,Tfalse,Tna
syn match Tcolumn5 /.\{-}\(,\|$\)/ nextgroup=Tcolumn6 contains=Ttrue,Tfalse,Tna
syn match Tcolumn4 /.\{-}\(,\|$\)/ nextgroup=Tcolumn5 contains=Ttrue,Tfalse,Tna
syn match Tcolumn3 /.\{-}\(,\|$\)/ nextgroup=Tcolumn4 contains=Ttrue,Tfalse,Tna
syn match Tcolumn2 /.\{-}\(,\|$\)/ nextgroup=Tcolumn3 contains=Ttrue,Tfalse,Tna
syn match Tcolumn1 /.\{-}\(,\|$\)/ nextgroup=Tcolumn2 contains=Ttrue,Tfalse,Tna
syn match Tcolumn0 /.\{-}\(,\|$\)/ nextgroup=Tcolumn1 contains=Ttrue,Tfalse,Tna
syn match Tcolumn6title /\%1l.\{-}\(,\|$\)/ nextgroup=Tcolumn0title contains=Ttrue,Tfalse,Tna
syn match Tcolumn5title /\%1l.\{-}\(,\|$\)/ nextgroup=Tcolumn6title contains=Ttrue,Tfalse,Tna
syn match Tcolumn4title /\%1l.\{-}\(,\|$\)/ nextgroup=Tcolumn5title contains=Ttrue,Tfalse,Tna
syn match Tcolumn3title /\%1l.\{-}\(,\|$\)/ nextgroup=Tcolumn4title contains=Ttrue,Tfalse,Tna
syn match Tcolumn2title /\%1l.\{-}\(,\|$\)/ nextgroup=Tcolumn3title contains=Ttrue,Tfalse,Tna
syn match Tcolumn1title /\%1l.\{-}\(,\|$\)/ nextgroup=Tcolumn2title contains=Ttrue,Tfalse,Tna
syn match Tcolumn0title /\%1l.\{-}\(,\|$\)/ nextgroup=Tcolumn1title contains=Ttrue,Tfalse,Tna
syn match Tdiv /,/ containedin=ALL conceal cchar=|
setlocal conceallevel=2