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23 lines
910 B

" unmap all default mappings
let g:dirvish_dovish_map_keys = 0
" unmap dirvish default
unmap <buffer> p
" Your preferred mappings
nmap <silent><buffer> o <Plug>(dovish_create_file)
nmap <silent><buffer> O <Plug>(dovish_create_file)
" nmap <silent><buffer> I <Plug>(dovish_create_directory)
nmap <silent><buffer> dd <Plug>(dovish_delete)
nmap <silent><buffer> c <Plug>(dovish_rename)
nmap <silent><buffer> yy <Plug>(dovish_yank)
xmap <silent><buffer> yy <Plug>(dovish_yank)
nmap <silent><buffer> p <Plug>(dovish_copy)
" nmap <silent><buffer> P <Plug>(dovish_move)
silent exe 'hi! link DirvishGitModified orange;
silent exe 'hi! link DirvishGitStaged yellow;
silent exe 'hi! link DirvishGitRenamed magenta;
silent exe 'hi! link DirvishGitUnmerged violet;
silent exe 'hi! link DirvishGitIgnored base2;
silent exe 'hi! link DirvishGitUntracked base2;
silent exe 'hi! link DirvishGitUntrackedDir DirvishPathTail;