{ "extensionDescription": { "message": "Enhance streaming video for language-learning." }, "shortcutMineSubtitleDescription": { "message": "Mine current subtitle. When video is synced without a subtitle file, starts/stops recording audio." }, "shortcutMineSubtitleAndOpenDialogDescription": { "message": "Mine current subtitle and open Anki export dialog. When video is synced without a subtitle file, starts/stops recording audio." }, "shortcutUpdateLastCardDescription": { "message": "Update last-created Anki card with asbplayer-captured media. When video is synced without a subtitle file, starts/stops recording audio." }, "shortcutTakeScreenshotDescription": { "message": "Manually take screenshot, overriding the one that is automatically taken when mining." }, "shortcutToggleRecordingDescription": { "message": "Manually start/stop audio recording, even when a subtitle file is loaded." }, "shortcutSelectSubtitleTrackDescription": { "message": "Select subtitle tracks to load." }, "contextMenuMineSubtitle": { "message": "Mine Subtitle" }, "contextMenuLoadSubtitles": { "message": "Load Subtitles" } }