import os
import json
import requests
import uuid
import browser_cookie3
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import re
import click
import logging
from rich.console import Console
from rich.theme import Theme
from rich.logging import RichHandler
STORAGE_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.wf.json')
INBOX_ID = "13859f14-79ab-b758-7224-8dad0236f1e2"
TASKS_ID = "042d7e11-f613-856c-fb97-c0e6ee7ece05"
DIARY_ID = "01205285-f5b1-8026-0cfa-942f514e297e"
"life": "f6f993a3-c696-c070-296e-6e5055fc834f",
"admin": "d3911123-138e-8eb3-f2ba-2495d8169660",
"art": "c2e9f4b2-59ce-d127-4da6-949e54ec1442",
"health": "4fc929b8-f04b-0dde-9a1a-9d889a13316d",
"mind": "c6db70a1-72e3-dbcc-f4b9-bfb10a1b4280",
"social": "60e3d667-eb40-3d26-cc3f-6b151cc5efa4",
"church": "5c68fad5-ad2b-8018-6535-b1462aed1277",
"work": "4c4970fc-9023-f861-1392-dbf88dd89187",
"affirm": "a1412d52-c72c-0612-f5b1-48874ef03943",
solarized_theme = Theme({
"base03": "bright_black",
"base02": "black",
"base01": "bright_green",
"base00": "bright_yellow",
"base0": "bright_blue",
"base1": "bright_cyan",
"base2": "white",
"base3": "bright_white",
"orange": "bright_red",
"violet": "bright_magenta",
"red": "red",
"bold red": "bold red",
"underline base03": "underline bright_black",
"underline base02": "underline black",
"underline base01": "underline bright_green",
"underline base00": "underline bright_yellow",
"underline base0": "underline bright_blue",
"underline base1": "underline bright_cyan",
"underline base2": "underline white",
"underline base3": "underline bright_white",
"underline orange": "bright_red underline",
"underline violet": "bright_magenta underline",
"bold base03": "bold bright_black",
"bold base02": "bold black",
"bold base01": "bold bright_green",
"bold base00": "bold bright_yellow",
"bold base0": "bold bright_blue",
"bold base1": "bold bright_cyan",
"bold base2": "bold white",
"bold base3": "bold bright_white",
"bold orange": "bright_red bold",
"bold violet": "bright_magenta bold",
console = Console(highlight=False, theme=solarized_theme)
logging.basicConfig(handlers=[RichHandler(level="NOTSET", console=console)])
logger = logging.getLogger('rich')
# helpers {{{
def get_ordinal(n):
if 10 <= n % 100 <= 20:
suffix = 'th'
suffix = {1: 'st', 2: 'nd', 3: 'rd'}.get(n % 10, 'th')
return str(n) + suffix
def get_today():
now = datetime.now()
return now.strftime("%a, %b %d, %Y")
# return now.strftime(f"%a {get_ordinal(now.day)} %b")
def get_sunday():
now = datetime.now()
sunday = now - timedelta(days=now.weekday()) - timedelta(days=1)
return sunday.strftime("%a, %b %d, %Y")
# return now.strftime(f"%a {get_ordinal(now.day)} %b")
def generate_uuid():
return str(uuid.uuid4())
def load_storage():
if os.path.exists(STORAGE_FILE):
logger.debug(f"Loading storage from {STORAGE_FILE}")
with open(STORAGE_FILE, "r") as f:
return json.load(f)
return {}
def save_storage(data):
with open(STORAGE_FILE, "w") as f:
json.dump(data, f)
def save_to_storage(key, value):
storage = load_storage()
storage[key] = value
def load_from_storage(key):
storage = load_storage()
if key in storage:
return storage[key]
return {}
def clear_storage():
if os.path.exists(STORAGE_FILE):
# }}}
def refresh_cookie(): # {{{
logger.debug("Refreshing session cookie")
cookies = browser_cookie3.chrome()
session_cookie = None
for cookie in cookies:
if cookie.name == "sessionid" and "workflowy.com" in cookie.domain:
session_cookie = cookie.value
if session_cookie:
logger.debug(f"Found session cookie: {session_cookie}")
save_to_storage("session_cookie", session_cookie)
return True
logger.error("Session cookie not found. Are you logged into Workflowy?")
return False
# }}}
def check_cookie(): # {{{
session_cookie = load_from_storage("session_cookie")
if session_cookie:
logger.debug(f"Session cookie found: {session_cookie}")
logger.error("Session cookie not found. Run refresh_cookie() first.")
return False
url = "https://workflowy.com/get_initialization_data?client_version=15"
headers = {"Cookie": f"sessionid={session_cookie}"}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
logger.debug("Session cookie is valid.")
return True
logger.error(f"Session cookie is invalid. Status code {response.status_code}")
return False
# }}}
def refresh_workflowy_data(): # {{{
session_cookie = load_from_storage("session_cookie")
if not session_cookie:
console.log("Session cookie not found. Run refresh_cookie() first.")
url = "https://workflowy.com/get_initialization_data?client_version=15"
headers = {"Cookie": f"sessionid={session_cookie}"}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()
globals_data = {item[0]: item[1] for item in data["globals"]}
storage = load_storage()
storage["userid"] = globals_data["USER_ID"]
storage["joined"] = data["projectTreeData"]["mainProjectTreeInfo"][
storage["transid"] = data["projectTreeData"]["mainProjectTreeInfo"][
storage["pollid"] = generate_uuid() # Simulate g() + g()
storage["root"] = {"nm": "root", "ch": data["projectTreeData"]["mainProjectTreeInfo"]["rootProjectChildren"]}
console.log("Successfully refreshed and saved Workflowy data.")
return True
except Exception as e:
console.log(f"Error parsing response: {e}")
return False
console.log(f"Error fetching Workflowy data: Status code {response.status_code}")
return False
# }}}
def check_workflowy_data(): # {{{
storage = load_storage()
if not storage:
console.log("Workflowy data is not initialized. Run the initialization first.")
return False
if not storage.get("userid") or not storage.get("transid") or not storage.get(
console.log("Workflowy data is incomplete. Run the initialization again.")
return False
return True
# }}}
def clip_to_workflowy(name, description, parent_id): # {{{
storage = load_storage()
if not storage:
console.log("Workflowy data is not initialized. Run the initialization first.")
new_uuid = generate_uuid()
timestamp = int(time.time()) - storage.get("joined", 0)
request = [
"most_recent_operation_transaction_id": storage.get("transid"),
"operations": [
"type": "create",
"data": {
"projectid": new_uuid,
"parentid": parent_id,
"priority": 9999,
"client_timestamp": timestamp,
"undo_data": {},
"type": "edit",
"data": {
"projectid": new_uuid,
"name": name,
"description": description,
"client_timestamp": timestamp,
"undo_data": {
"previous_last_modified": timestamp,
"previous_name": "",
"previous_description": "",
data = {
"client_id": "2015-11-17 19:25:15.397732",
"client_version": 15,
"push_poll_id": storage.get("pollid"),
"push_poll_data": json.dumps(request),
"crosscheck_user_id": storage.get("userid"),
headers = {"Cookie": f"sessionid={storage.get('session_cookie')}"}
response = requests.post("https://workflowy.com/push_and_poll", data=data, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
resp_obj = response.json()
if resp_obj.get("logged_out"):
console.log("Error: Logged out of Workflowy!")
elif not resp_obj.get("results"):
console.log("Error: Unknown error!")
storage["transid"] = resp_obj["results"][0][
console.print("[green]Successfully clipped to Workflowy![/green]")
console.log(f"Error: Failed with status code {response.status_code}")
# }}}
def simplify_project(project_data, full_data, follow_mirrors=False): # {{{
if project_data.get("metadata", {}).get("mirror", {}).get("originalId"):
if follow_mirrors:
originalId = project_data["metadata"]["mirror"]["originalId"]
project_data, full_data = find_project_by_id(full_data, full_data, originalId)
return None, full_data
if project_data.get("metadata", {}).get("isReferencesRoot"):
if project_data.get("ch"):
if len(project_data["ch"]) > 0:
project_data["nm"] = "backlinks"
project_data["metadata"]["layoutMode"] = "h1"
return None, full_data
return None, full_data
if project_data:
simplified_project = {
"name": project_data.get("nm", ""),
"id": project_data.get("id", ""),
"children": [],
"description": project_data.get("no", "").rstrip().replace("\n$", ""),
"format": project_data.get("metadata", {}).get("layoutMode", None)
children = project_data.get("ch", [])
for child in children:
simplified_child, full_data = simplify_project(child, full_data, follow_mirrors=follow_mirrors)
if simplified_child:
return simplified_project, full_data
return None, full_data
# }}}
def flatten(children): # {{{
flattened = []
for child in children:
grand_children = child.get("children", [])
except Exception as e:
print(f"child: {child} {e}")
grand_children = []
child["children"] = []
return flattened
# }}}
def flatten_project(project_data): # {{{
project_data["children"] = flatten(project_data.get("children", []))
return project_data
# }}}
# def filter_project_any(project_data, filters): # {{{
# filtered_project = {
# "name": project_data["name"],
# "id": project_data.get("id", ""),
# # "description": project_data["description"],
# "children": [],
# "format": project_data["format"]
# }
# children = project_data.get("children", [])
# for child in children:
# include = False
# for filter_text in filters:
# if filter_text.lower() in child["name"].lower():
# include = True
# break
# if include:
# filtered_project["children"].append(filter_project_any(child, filters))
# return filtered_project
def filter_project_any(project_data, filters, include_headers=False, all_children=False): # {{{
include = False
if include_headers:
if project_data["format"] == "h1" or project_data["format"] == "h2":
include = True
for filter_text in filters:
if filter_text in project_data["name"]:
include = True
children = []
for child in project_data.get("children", []):
if all_children and include:
logger.debug(f"Not filtering children of {project_data['name']}")
child = filter_project_any(child, filters, include_headers=include_headers, all_children=all_children)
if child:
project_data["children"] = children
if include or children:
return project_data
return None
# }}}
def filter_project_all(project_data, filters, include_headers=False, all_children=False): # {{{
include = True
if include_headers and (project_data["format"] == "h1" or project_data["format"] == "h2"):
for filter_text in filters:
if filter_text not in project_data["name"]:
if filter_text not in project_data.get("description", ""):
include = False
if include:
logger.debug(f"Including {project_data['name']}")
logger.debug(f"all_children: {all_children}")
children = []
for child in project_data.get("children", []):
if all_children and include:
logger.debug(f"Not filtering children of {project_data['name']}")
child = filter_project_all(child, filters, include_headers=include_headers, all_children=all_children)
if child:
project_data["children"] = children
if include or children:
return project_data
return None
# }}}
def replace(project_data, regex, replacement): # {{{
project_data["name"] = re.sub(regex, replacement, project_data["name"])
children = project_data.get("children", [])
for child in children:
replace(child, regex, replacement)
return project_data
# }}}
def strip(project_data, regex): # {{{
project_data = replace(project_data, regex, "")
return project_data
# }}}
def remove_double_spaces(project_data): # {{{
# project_data["name"] = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", project_data["name"])
project_data["name"] = project_data["name"].replace(" ", " ")
children = project_data.get("children", [])
for child in children:
return project_data
# }}}
highlights = {
"@done": "green",
"@missed": "red",
"@na": "blue",
"#WORK": "red",
def highlight(project_data): # {{{
for key, value in highlights.items():
regex = f"{key}\\b"
project_data["name"] = re.sub(regex, f"[{value}]{key}[/]", project_data["name"])
children = project_data.get("children", [])
for child in children:
return project_data
# }}}
colors1 = [
[["xTASK", "#READY"], "blue", True],
[["xTASK", "#MAYBE"], "violet", True],
[["xTASK", "#WAITING"], "cyan", True],
[["xTASK", "#DAILY"], "green", True],
[["xTASK", "#WEEKLY"], "green", True],
[["xTASK", "#IRREGULAR"], "green", True],
[["xPROJECT", "#ACTIVE"], "magenta", True],
[["xPROJECT", "#STALLED"], "cyan", True],
[["xPROJECT", "#PLANT"], "orange", True],
[["xSOMEDAY"], "violet", True],
[["xHABIT"], "orange", True],
[["xSTORY"], "cyan", True],
[["xGOAL"], "yellow", True],
[["xVIS"], "red", True],
[["xRESPONSIBILITY"], "red", True],
[["Sunday"], "underline violet", False],
[["Monday"], "underline red", False],
[["Tuesday"], "underline cyan", False],
[["Wednesday"], "underline magenta", False],
[["Thursday"], "underline green", False],
[["Friday"], "underline yellow", False],
[["Saturday"], "underline blue", False],
[["#r"], "black on blue", False],
[["#g"], "black on yellow", False],
[["#w"], "red", False],
[["#p"], "green", False],
def recolor(project_data, colors): # {{{
for rule in colors:
keywords = rule[0]
color = rule[1]
hide = rule[2]
match = True
for keyword in keywords:
if keyword not in project_data["name"]:
match = False
if match:
project_data["name"] = f"[{color}]{project_data['name']}[/]"
if hide:
for keyword in keywords:
project_data["name"] = project_data["name"].replace(keyword, "")
project_data["name"] = project_data["name"].rstrip() + f" [base01]{" ".join(keywords)}[/]"
children = project_data.get("children", [])
for child in children:
recolor(child, colors)
return project_data
# }}}
def print_pretty(data, indent=0, color="grey", show_description=True, show_id=False): # {{{
for item in data["children"]:
if item["name"] == "backlinks":
# console.print(" " * indent + "[base01]• backlinks[/]")
console.print(" " * indent + f"[base3]•[/] [{color}]{item['name']}[/][base01]{' ' + item['id'].split('-')[4] if show_id else ''}[/]")
if item["description"] and show_description:
console.print(" " * (indent + 1) + f"[base01]{item['description'].replace('\n', '\n' + ' ' * (indent + 1))}[/]")
if item["children"]:
print_pretty(item, indent + 1, color, show_description=show_description, show_id=show_id)
except Exception as e:
console.log(f"Error: {e}")
# }}}
def generate_d3_mindmap_html(data, show_description=True, show_id=False): # {{{
import json
import re
# Map of Rich tag colors to hex values or CSS color names
color_map = {
"base3": "#073642",
"base2": "#002b36",
"base1": "#586e75",
"base0": "#657b83",
"base00": "#839496",
"base01": "#93a1a1",
"base02": "#eee8d5",
"base03": "#fdf6e3",
"yellow": "#b58900",
"orange": "#cb4b16",
"red": "#dc322f",
"magenta": "#d33682",
"violet": "#6c71c4",
"blue": "#268bd2",
"cyan": "#2aa198",
"green": "#859900",
def parse_rich_tags(text):
text = re.sub(r"\[(underline)? ?([a-zA-Z0-9]+)?\](.*?)\[/\]",
lambda m: f'