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125 lines
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let Declaration = require('../declaration')
let {
} = require('./grid-utils')
let Processor = require('../processor')
class GridRowsColumns extends Declaration {
insert(decl, prefix, prefixes, result) {
if (prefix !== '-ms-') return super.insert(decl, prefix, prefixes)
let { parent, prop, value } = decl
let isRowProp = prop.includes('rows')
let isColumnProp = prop.includes('columns')
let hasGridTemplate = parent.some(
i => i.prop === 'grid-template' || i.prop === 'grid-template-areas'
* Not to prefix rows declaration if grid-template(-areas) is present
if (hasGridTemplate && isRowProp) {
return false
let processor = new Processor({ options: {} })
let status = processor.gridStatus(parent, result)
let gap = getGridGap(decl)
gap = inheritGridGap(decl, gap) || gap
let gapValue = isRowProp ? gap.row : gap.column
if ((status === 'no-autoplace' || status === true) && !hasGridTemplate) {
gapValue = null
let prefixValue = prefixTrackValue({
gap: gapValue,
* Insert prefixes
prop: prefixTrackProp({ prefix, prop }),
value: prefixValue
let autoflow = parent.nodes.find(i => i.prop === 'grid-auto-flow')
let autoflowValue = 'row'
if (autoflow && !processor.disabled(autoflow, result)) {
autoflowValue = autoflow.value.trim()
if (status === 'autoplace') {
* Show warning if grid-template-rows decl is not found
let rowDecl = parent.nodes.find(i => i.prop === 'grid-template-rows')
if (!rowDecl && hasGridTemplate) {
return undefined
} else if (!rowDecl && !hasGridTemplate) {
'Autoplacement does not work without grid-template-rows property'
return undefined
* Show warning if grid-template-columns decl is not found
let columnDecl = parent.nodes.find(i => {
return i.prop === 'grid-template-columns'
if (!columnDecl && !hasGridTemplate) {
'Autoplacement does not work without grid-template-columns property'
* Autoplace grid items
if (isColumnProp && !hasGridTemplate) {
autoplaceGridItems(decl, result, gap, autoflowValue)
return undefined
* Change IE property back
normalize(prop) {
return prop.replace(/^grid-(rows|columns)/, 'grid-template-$1')
* Change property name for IE
prefixed(prop, prefix) {
if (prefix === '-ms-') {
return prefixTrackProp({ prefix, prop })
return super.prefixed(prop, prefix)
GridRowsColumns.names = [
module.exports = GridRowsColumns