You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
88 lines
2.6 KiB
88 lines
2.6 KiB
// @ts-check
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
function _export(target, all) {
for(var name in all)Object.defineProperty(target, name, {
enumerable: true,
get: all[name]
_export(exports, {
indentRecursive: function() {
return indentRecursive;
formatNodes: function() {
return formatNodes;
readFileWithRetries: function() {
return readFileWithRetries;
drainStdin: function() {
return drainStdin;
outputFile: function() {
return outputFile;
const _fs = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("fs"));
const _path = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("path"));
function _interop_require_default(obj) {
return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
default: obj
function indentRecursive(node, indent = 0) {
node.each && node.each((child, i)=>{
if (!child.raws.before || !child.raws.before.trim() || child.raws.before.includes("\n")) {
child.raws.before = `\n${node.type !== "rule" && i > 0 ? "\n" : ""}${" ".repeat(indent)}`;
child.raws.after = `\n${" ".repeat(indent)}`;
indentRecursive(child, indent + 1);
function formatNodes(root) {
if (root.first) {
root.first.raws.before = "";
async function readFileWithRetries(path, tries = 5) {
for(let n = 0; n <= tries; n++){
try {
return await _fs.default.promises.readFile(path, "utf8");
} catch (err) {
if (n !== tries) {
if (err.code === "ENOENT" || err.code === "EBUSY") {
await new Promise((resolve)=>setTimeout(resolve, 10));
throw err;
function drainStdin() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
let result = "";
process.stdin.on("data", (chunk)=>{
result += chunk;
process.stdin.on("end", ()=>resolve(result));
process.stdin.on("error", (err)=>reject(err));
async function outputFile(file, newContents) {
try {
let currentContents = await _fs.default.promises.readFile(file, "utf8");
if (currentContents === newContents) {
return; // Skip writing the file
} catch {}
// Write the file
await _fs.default.promises.mkdir(_path.default.dirname(file), {
recursive: true
await _fs.default.promises.writeFile(file, newContents, "utf8");