You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

29 lines
841 B

'use strict';
var Scalar = require('../../nodes/Scalar.js');
function boolStringify({ value, source }, ctx) {
const boolObj = value ? trueTag : falseTag;
if (source && boolObj.test.test(source))
return source;
return value ? ctx.options.trueStr : ctx.options.falseStr;
const trueTag = {
identify: value => value === true,
default: true,
tag: ',2002:bool',
test: /^(?:Y|y|[Yy]es|YES|[Tt]rue|TRUE|[Oo]n|ON)$/,
resolve: () => new Scalar.Scalar(true),
stringify: boolStringify
const falseTag = {
identify: value => value === false,
default: true,
tag: ',2002:bool',
test: /^(?:N|n|[Nn]o|NO|[Ff]alse|FALSE|[Oo]ff|OFF)$/,
resolve: () => new Scalar.Scalar(false),
stringify: boolStringify
exports.falseTag = falseTag;
exports.trueTag = trueTag;