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48 lines
1.5 KiB

setlocal foldmethod=expr
setlocal foldexpr=notecrate#nested_markdown_folds(v:lnum)
setlocal foldtext=notecrate#fold_text()
setlocal conceallevel=2
set comments=b:*
setlocal nowrap
syn match NotecrateLinkInternal /\(\](\)\@<=[^()]*\()\)\@=/
hi def link NotecrateLinkInternal orangeu
" syn match NotecrateBoldConceal /\*\*/ containedin=ALL
syn match NotecrateBoldConceal /\*\*/ conceal containedin=ALL
syn match NotecrateLinkConceal /!*\[\+\([^\]]*](\)\@=/ conceal
syn match NotecrateLinkConceal /\]\+\((\)\@=/ conceal
syn match NotecrateLinkConceal /\(\[[^\]]*\]\)\@<=([^)]*)/ conceal contains=NotecrateLinkInternal
hi def link NotecrateLinkConceal blue
syn match NotecrateLink /\(\[\)\@<=[^\[\]]*\(\](\)\@=/
hi def link NotecrateLink blueu
syn match NotecrateLinkImage /!\[\]/ containedin=ALL
hi def link NotecrateLinkImage redu
syn match NotecrateHeader1 /\(^# \)\@<=.*/
hi def link NotecrateHeader1 base3u
syn match NotecrateHeader2 /\(^##\+ \)\@<=.*/
hi def link NotecrateHeader2 base1u
syn match NotecrateRule /^---\+/
hi def link NotecrateRule base01
syn region NotecrateFrontCustomMatter start=/\%^---/ end=/^---/
hi def link NotecrateFrontCustomMatter base01
syn region NotecrateCode start=/^```/ end=/^```/
hi def link NotecrateCode red
syn region NotecrateBold start=/\*\*/ end=/\*\*/ contains=NotecrateBoldConceal keepend
hi def link NotecrateBold base2
syn match NotecrateQuote /^>.*$/
hi def link NotecrateQuote cyan
syn match NotecrateTag /#[^# ]\S*/
hi def link NotecrateTag cyanu